Page 54 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB_Neat 1
P. 54

Present perfect and past simple

                           I can use the present perfect and past simple to describe finished and unfinished events.

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           Present perfect                                                    Past simple

           We use the present perfect to talk about events that               We use the past simple when we talk about events
           happened in the past but we don't know when they                   that finished in the past.
           happened, or the exact time is not important. There is             I lost my old phone. I bought a new one last week.
           often a connection to the present.                                 Harry broke his leg six months ago, but hefs OK now.
           He's broken his leg. (= His leg is broken now, but I               Did you buy a new jacket on Saturday?
           don't know when it happened.)                                      What did you have for breakfast?
           I  ' ve lost my phone. (= I can t find my phone and I don't
           know exactly when I lost it.)
           We use the present perfect with 'unfinished'time                   We use the past simple with <finished' time
           expressions (for example, never, ever, this week, twice,           expressions (for example, yesterday, on Monday,
           yet). See Unit 9.                                                  in 2010).
           I ve read three books this week.                                   Did you go to America in 20 7 0?
                                                                              I read three books last week.

           We use the present perfect with for + a period of                  We use the past simple with for + a period of time
           time when the event is stiil in progress.                          when the event finished in the past.
           I ' ve lived here for two years. (= I live here now.)              I lived here for two years. (= I don't live here now.)

           We use the present perfect to talk about events in a               We use the past simple to talk about events in the life
            living person's life.                                             of someone who is now dead.
           Suzanne Collins has written some good books.                       Shakespeare wrote a lot of great plays. (He died, so
           (She will probably write more books in the future.)                he won't write any more plays.)

                Underline the verbs and write PP (present perfect) or PS (past simple).                                           O

                ÿ We went to France on holiday, ps                               5  He's read all those books.
                ÿ  They've listened to that song a hundred times.                6 Has Peter used his new tennis racket?
                    pp                                                           7 Did you like the film?
                1  She spent all her money at the shops.                         8 I read the information on the website.
                2  They've decided to paint their bedroom.                       9  Has it snowed?
                3 1 haven't finished my breakfast yet.                         10 It didn't finish at eight o'clock.
                4 Did you pass the exam?

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