Page 55 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB_Neat 1
P. 55

2 Write these irregular past simple forms and past                 5 Tick (ÿ) the correct time expression. Then write it
                participles in the correct column. Remember:                      in the correct place in the sentence.
                some words can go in both columns.
                                                                                         On Mondfllj
                                                                                  ÿ It snowed .
                  drank run had bought spoke
                                                                                     on Monday 0 already [ ]

                  left written done drunk made                                        it stowed on Monda tj._

                                                                                  1 I've been to Australia.
                  ran read chose spoken did
                                                                                     last year [ ] never [
                  took chosen taken wrote

                                                                                  2 Have you found any money in the street?
                 past simple                 past participle
                                                                                     yesterday ever

                                                                                  3 Katy started secondary school.
                                                                                     in 2011 N already  |

                                                                                  4 They've had that car.
                                                                                     three years ago [ ) for three years ÿ

                                                                                  5 I sent you an email.
                          Work in groups of four. Student A says
                                                                                     at two o clock | just
                          the infinitive form of an irregular verb,
                          student B says the past simple form
                          and student C says the past participle.
                                                                                  6 Fred hasn't had a shower.
                          Student D says a new verb. Continue
                          round the group. Lose a point for any                      before breakfast ] yet [
                          incorrect forms.

                                                                                  7 He's decided not to go.
                        Wrote                                                        yesterday already

                                                                                  8 We've been here.
                                                                                     two hours ago ] since three o'clock

                                                                   O              9 Did he die?
                Can you use these time expressions with the
                present perfect? Write ÿ or x.
                                                                                     in 2001 ÿ yet ÿ
                ÿ never ÿ                       6 yet_
                ÿ  yesterday _x_                7 three years ago_

                1  last week_                   8 for two years_                 10 Have you seen William?
                2 already_                      9 at seven o'clock_
                                              10 twice_                              at two oclock | I today
                3  in 2011_
                                              11 after lunch_
                4 on Monday-
                                              12 since three
                5  today_
                                                   o clock_

                                                                                                                             Unit 10 53
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