Page 52 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB_Neat 1
P. 52

Present perfect with since and for                                                Work in pairs. Ask your partner questions
                                                                                            with How long...? and the ideas in the
           We use the present perfect with since or for to talk                             box. Answer using since or for.
           about situations that started in the past and are still
                                                                                     be a student at this school
           continuing now.
                                                                                     know your best friend
           I ve been at this school since 2009. (= I started at this
                                                                                     know your English teacher
           school in 2009.1 am still at the school now.)
                                                                                     your parents / live in this town
           We've lived here for three months. (= We arrived three
                                                                                     live in your house
           months ago. We still live here now.)
                                                                                     have your shoes
             PAST                I                             NOW                   have a mobile phone
                                                                                   How lovu% have you been a student at this school?

           For + periods of time       Since + starting time in past                                   I ' ve been at school for six years.
           three years                 yesterday
           two days                    July                                                      I ve been a student at this
           twenty minutes              2006                                                     school sliÿce I was 12. years old.
           a long time                 last year
                                       I was 12 years old

                                                                            m              Write sentences about your partner.
           We do not use the present simple in these cases.                                Use since and for.
           We live here for three years.
           I am at this school since 2006.
                                                                                      Heten has tenown her best -friend for
           We use How long...? to ask questions about situations                      eight years.
           that started in the past and are still continuing now.
                                                                                     jasovÿ has lived Itÿ his house since zo±±.
            How long has she worked there?' 'For three years.'
            How long have you known him?' 'Since I was five.'

           2 Anna is happy. Write sentences about Anna with
                the Present perfect and for or since.                       £24 o 9.4 Complete the sentences with ever, never,

                ÿ be/on holiday/two weeks                                         already, yet, just, still, since or for. Listen and check
                                                                                  your answers.
                   she,s been on holiday for two weetes. _
                1 not/do any homework/a month                                     ÿ 'Would you like to read this book?' 'No,  thanks.
                                                                                     I ' ve airead y read it. '
                2 not/go to bed early/last Sunday                                 1 'Have you-met the Prime Minister?'
                                                                                     Yes. Once!
                3 download/two new songs/yesterday                                2 Harry has had that phone_             five years!
                                                                                  3 We haven't been to the shops_
                4 not eat/school food/four weeks                                  4 Don't touch the door! I've_painted it.
                                                                                  5 'Do you like skiing?' 'I don't know. I've_
                5 make/some new friends/last week                                    done it.'
                                                                                  6 My mum has loved singing_she was a
                6 sightsee/three days                                                little girl.
                                                                                  7 John has known Alex_a very long time.
                7 visit/four new places/Saturday                                  8 'Let's watch this DVD.' 'I'm sorry, but I've_
                                                                                     seen it. '
                8 read/two books/her holiday started                              9 Tom_hasn't finished his homework. It's
                                                                                     ten o'clock!
                                                                                 10 Have they finished playing football_?
                                                                                 11 'Do you know Sam?' 'No. I"ve_met him.'

          50 Present perfect
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