Page 45 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB_Neat 1
P. 45

Past continuous or past simple?                                    *6 08.2 Circle the correct option. Then listen and uTEJ
                                                                                  check your answers.

           We use the past simple to talk about an event that
                                                                                  ÿ What did you do/were you doing at half
           finished at a point in the past. We often use it to talk                  past seven?                                         O
           about a sequence of events.
                                                                                  1 It rained / was raining when I left home.
           She got up, had breakfast and went to work.                            2 Jill got up and had / was having breakfast.
           In the morning, Robert went shopping in town. Then                     3 My racket broke / was breaking when I was
           he met his friends at the park and they played football.                  playing tennis.
           After that, he went home and did his homework.                         4 Where were you going / did you go when I saw
                                                                                     your car yesterday?
           We use the past continuous to talk about an event that
                                                                                  5 They wanted / were wanting to go out last night.
           was in progress at a time in the past, or when another
                                                                                  6 They did / were doing their homework and then
           event happened.
                                                                                     they went shopping.
                                                                                  7 Did she like / Was she liking your new shoes?
           7 called you at 7 o,clock. Where were you?' 7 was playing
                                                                                  8 <Where were you yesterday afternoon?'
                                                                                     ' I visited / was visiting my grandparents.'
           She was having breakfast when her friend arrived.
                                                                                  9 The film finished / was finishing at four o'clock.
                                                                                 10 Mary didn't know / wasn't knowing the answer
           PAST .NOW                                                                 when the teacher asked her the question.

                                      T                                      *  Complete the sentences using the correct forms
                 7 .00 p.m.                             8 .00 p.m.
                                friend arrived                                    of the verbs in brackets.
                                                                                  ÿ His phone while he was the
           We can use the past simple and past continuous in the
           same sentence. We often use when and while in these                       exam, (ring/do)
           sentences.                                                             1 May_sweets when her tooth_
           He was walking to school when it started to rain.
                                                                                  2 While I_         the door, I          white paint on
           While he was walking to school, it started to rain.
                                                                                     my trousers, (paint/get)
           We can use when or while with the past continuous.
                                                                                  3 What-they-about when we
           We cannot use while with the past simple.
                                                                                     _into the room? (talk/come)
           I saw Ben when/while I was waiting for the bus.                        4 While we_at the bus stop, we_                     an
           I was waiting for the bus when I saw Ben.                                 accident, (wait/see)

           There are some verbs that we don't normally use                        5 What_you_while you_with
           in the continuous form: e.g., hear, know, like, love,                     your mum? (buy/shop)
           understand, see, want. See also Unit 6 page 31.                        6 She_to the shops when someone_
                                                                                     her handbag, (walk/steal)
           I wasn/t understanding the homework.
           I didn't understand the homework.                                      7 While I_on the beach, my brother_
                                                                                     for a swim, (lie/go)
                                                                                  8 Sam_on the bus when a bird_in
                                                                                     through the window, (sit/fly)
                                                                                  9 _you_your phone while you
                                                                                              for the bus? (drop/run)
                                                                                 10 I        _ to music when my dad              me to
                                                                                     switch it off. (listen/tell)

           ;; 8 O 8.3 Listen to Mary talking about her cousins'visit. Complete sentences 1-3 and then 4-7.              O

                   When her cousins arrived,...                                    The house was a mess, so ...
                ÿ Mary was doliÿoi her .                                         4 her aunt_
                1 her dad-                                                       5 her uncle-
                2 her mum_                                                       6 Mary_                     and                     while
                3 her brother                                                    7 her cousins

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