Page 3 - Family and Friends 3 Class Book full_Neat
P. 3
Sforfer: WW poge 4
Fomitg words Adjectives Months of the geor Numbers 1-1OO Comporotives
Present simp[e: be ' Consonont blends: I Reoding: o storg:'The SeLJish Giont'
Where are gou from? I'm from Eggpt , ili craaon Listening: identiJging detoiLs obout oge, birthdog, countrg
dn drow, drink r ond Jovourite seoson
spt spoon . Speoking: osking ond onswering obout oge, countrg ond
9ft snake Jovourite seoson
pL: pLag Writing: copitotising proper nouns ond sentence beginnings;
writing obout mgseLf (Workbook)
like+verb+ing R: o penJriends website
o_e:face, space L: identifging detoits obout different penfriends
. I Like reading. I don't Like fishing.
i_e: kite, bike S: choosing o penfriend bosed on hobbies
Does he Like pLaying chess?
o_et rope, stone W: JuLtJorms ond shortJorms of be ond have;writing on emoil
Yes, he does. / No, he doesn't.
u_ez lune, cube obout mg hobbies (WB)
Mg things / gour/our/their Words with or: R: o school project
ph roso I verbs That's their CD pLayer. car, park, shork, star, : L: identiJging detoi[s obout coLLections
Co[[ections Can for permission / requests scarJ 5: tolking obout cottections
Can I use gour computer? i W: punctuotion morks: question morks, commos ond ful.l.
Yes, gou can. / No, gou con't. stops; writing obout o chiLd's collection (WB)
:ilttiiiililli:iil Woter sports R: o hotidoq brochure
Adjectives to l'm swimming. She isn't snorketling. tall, L: identiJging detoi[s obout beoch octivities
.t:utiliilll:iil descri be Proces 5: describing whot gou [ike doing on the beoch
W: spetting rutes for the gerund form; writing o postcord
.illiiiiiiliXii obout mg trip (WB)
Present continuous: guestions ond short onswers
ls the crocodiLe eating the sandwich? or: fork, horse, corn L: identiJging differentJromes oJo cortoon strip
111 describe emotions Yes, it is. / No. it isn't. owt strqw, paw, 5: describing differentJromes oJo cortoon strip
tii ond things aawn W: using speech morks; writing o foctJite obout
onimoLs (WB)
illli:a:::lii::il:ri1, . .,:,::.iai:it,lt i;,iiii liilil,:
allilillillii:l:., : .. ::ill:lillllliriliiii:1ii.:.,
Doi[g routine Present simp[e: offirmotive, negotive ond oy ond oi spel[ings: R: o website obout cgber school
Time words questions og: bog, tog, ogster L: identifging detoi[s obout o student's dog
I hove breokJast ot eight o'cLock. oi: coin, oiL, soil 5: describing doitg routine
Do theg Live in o big house? W: proper nouns; writing informotion obout me (WB)
Yes, theg do. / No, theg don't.
Ploces in town ; Present simple ond odverbs offrequencg: ow ond ou spe[[ings: rR: oJitm review
Performonces i alwags, sometimes, never ow: cow, cLown, L: identiJging detoi[s oboutfree time octivities
I I sometimes go to the librarg. ftower S: describing Jree time octivities
; Prepositions of time: on, dt, in ou: house, trousers, i W: verbs, odjectives ond prepositions;writing on emoiI to
t Mg birthdag is in May. mouse r invite o friend to the cinemo (WB)