Page 6 - Family and Friends 3 Class Book full_Neat
P. 6
Lerson Two
1 Reod ond write f (true) or F (fol,se).
1_ The red cor is bigger thon the bLue cor. T 2 The green cor is bigger thon the blue cor.
3 The green cor is Joster thon the red cor. 4 The red cor is Joster thon the green cor.
5 The b[ue cor is sLower thon the green car. 6 The blue cor is slower thon the red cor.
2 write.
The elephont is b_LSg_ef _ (big) thon The giroffe is (toLL) thon the zebro.
the monkeg.
(fost) thon the cow. The goot is (smoLL) thon the horse.
3 Reod ond write f (true) or F (
L It wos sunnU.
2 The chiLdren were sod.
3 The girL wos hungrg.
4 The bog wos thirstg.
5 Mum ond Dod were cold.
The red cor is bigger thon the blue cor.