Page 4 - Family and Friends 3 Class Book full_Neat
P. 4

Food          i Countoble  ond uncountoble nouns  ld ond If endings:  R: o recipe
                             a/an/some                        ldr chiLd, shieLd,  field L: identiJging  whot peopte wont  ot the morket
                             I'd [ike  a meLon.               ll: belt, quilt, oduLt  S: o ro[e p[og:  ot the morket
                             WouLd  gou like some  cereal?                    W: odjective  order; writing o recipe (WB)
                             Yes,  pLeose.  /  No, thanks.

                             Comporotive  odjectives          nd, nt ond mp endings  R: o website:'Wortd  Records'
                             Russia  is bigger than  the  UK.  nd:. sand,  pond  t: identifging  geogrophicotfeotures
                             Superlotive  odjectives          nl: pLont, tent  S: describing  geogrophicoI   Jeotures
                             The highest mountain in the world is Mount  mpt Lamp, comp  W: ptocement  of odverbs oJJrequencu;  writing obout things
                             Everest.                                          I do (wB)

                             must / mustn't  for  rules ond obligotions  Long vowet sound a:  R: o storg:'The  Gingerbreod  Mon'
                             You must turn olf your mobile  phone.  rain, train  L: identifging  librorg  rules
                             You mustn't walk on the gross.   Mondog,  trog   S: describing  librorg  rules
                                                              case, roce      W: using and /  orin sentences; writing schoo[ rutes (WB)

                             Post simple  with be: offirmotive  ond negotive  I  Long vowel sound e:  R: o historg poster:  'The Vikings'
                             There wos  /  wasn't a park  in our town  fiftg  i ice creom,  dream  L: identiJging  ospects of Viking l-iJe
                             years  ago.                                      S: describing  ospects oJViking Life
                             lots of, some,  ang                              W: using porogrophs  in writing; writing obout mg town in
                             There were  /  weren't some  troins  o hundred    the post ond now (WB)
                             years ago.
                             Time words  ond phroses:  gesterdag, last week  /
                             gear  /  Mondog,  (Jiftg  gears)  ogo,then

               Adjectives to describe  Post simple  with be ond havet offirmotive  ond  Long vowe[ sound i:  R: o poem:'Mg  Grondmo'
                                                              night, light    L: distinguishing  detoi[s  obout o grondJother
                             I I wasn't talL when  I was  five.  You were happy on  sky, drg  S: moking true  / fo[se  stotements  obout o grondfother
                             holiday.  I had a maths lesson last week.  smiLe,  shine  W: using and ond but in sentences; writing obout mg
                             I                                                 JomiLg   (wB)

               Verbs         Post simpte with regulor verbs: ofJirmotive ond  R: on inJormotion poster:'Popgrus'
               Adjectives to  negotive                                        L: identiJging  detoits obout someone's dog
               describe  things  Theg Lived  5,OOO gears  ago.                5: describing  detoils of someone's dog
                              They didn't cook pizza.                         W: using topic heodings  in porogrophs;  writing obout
                                                                               Ancient  Egupt ond todog  (WB)

               SchooI  things  Post simple questions                          R: on interview
               Comping things  Did gou hove o good  dog?                      l:  identifging  the events ofo  comping  trip
                              Yes, I did.  /  No, I didn't.                   S: describing  the events oJo comping  trip
                              Wh-  questions:  what  /  when I  where         W: using time words to show the sequence  of events; writing
                              Whot  did gou wotch [ost night? A  film.         obout mU schooL dog  (WB)

                             't  be going  to +verb            Words with oo:   I  R: o postcord
                             i  He's going  to ptag  bosketball  tomorrow.  book, wooL, wood,  i [: identiJging  detoits obout o bog's school  hol"idogs
                             l Are gou going  to swim  in the sea?  '  hood, cook   '5:  discussing pLonsfortheJotlowingweek
                                                              I               i  W: opening  ond ctosing remork in on emoil  postcord or
                                                              I               i   letter; writing  on emoil  to o  Jriend  (WB)
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