Page 84 - UK Continuing Airworthiness Regulations (Consolidated) 201121
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ANNEX I - Continuing Airworthiness Requirements
M.B.706 Changes
(a) The CAA shall comply with the applicable elements of the initial approval for any change to
the organisation notified in accordance with point M.A.713.
(b) The CAA may prescribe the conditions under which the approved continuing airworthiness
management organisation may operate during such changes unless it determines that
the approval should be suspended due to the nature or the extent of the changes.
(c) For any change to the continuing airworthiness management exposition:
1. In the case of direct approval of changes in accordance with point M.A.704(b) of this
Annex (Part-M), the CAA shall verify that the procedures specified in the exposition
are in compliance with this Annex (Part-M) or Annex Vb (Part-ML), as applicable,
before formally notifying the approved organisation of the approval.
2. In the case an indirect approval procedure is used for the approval of the changes
in accordance with point M.A.704(c) of this Annex (Part-M), the CAA shall ensure all
of the following:
(i) that the changes remain minor;
(ii) that it has an adequate control over the approval of the changes to ensure
they remain in compliance with the requirements of this Annex (Part-M) or
Annex Vb (Part-ML), as applicable.
M.B.706 AMC Changes
1. Changes in nominated persons. The CAA should have adequate control over any
changes to the personnel specified in M.A.706(a), (c), (d) and (i). Such changes will
require an amendment to the exposition.
2. It is recommended that a simple exposition status sheet is maintained which contains
information on when an amendment was received by the CAA and when it was approved.
3. The CAA should define the minor amendments to the exposition which may be
incorporated through indirect approval. In this case a procedure should be stated in the
amendment section of the approved continuing airworthiness management exposition.
4. Changes notified in accordance with M.A.713 are not considered minor. For all cases
other than minor, the applicable part(s) of the CAA Form 13 should be used for the
5. The CAMO should submit each exposition amendment to the CAA whether it be an
amendment for CAA approval or an indirectly approved amendment. Where the
amendment requires CAA approval, the CAA when satisfied, should indicate its approval
in writing. Where the amendment has been submitted under the indirect approval
procedure the CAA should acknowledge receipt in writing.
M.B.707 evocation, suspension and limitation of an approval
The CAA shall:
(a) suspend an approval on reasonable grounds in the case of potential safety threat, or;
(b) suspend, revoke or limit an approval pursuant to point M.B.705.
Section B Subpart H Certificate of Release to Service - CRS
Reference Description
Section B Subpart I Airworthiness Review Certificate
Reference Description
M.B.901 Assessment of recommendations
Upon receipt of an application and associated airworthiness review certificate recommendation in
accordance with point M.A.901:
1. Appropriately qualified personnel of the CAA shall verify that the compliance statement
contained in the recommendation demonstrates that a complete airworthiness review in
accordance with point M.A.901 has been carried out.
2. The CAA shall investigate and may request further information to support the assessment
of the recommendation.
M.B.901 AMC Assessment of recommendations
1. The result of the verification and the investigation of a recommendation should be sent to
the applicant within 30 days. If corrective action has been requested before the issuance
of an airworthiness review certificate, the CAA may decide a further period for the
assessment of the requested corrective action.
2. The verification of the compliance statement required by M.B.901 does not mean
repeating the airworthiness review itself. However the CAA should verify that the CAMO
has carried out a complete and accurate assessment of the airworthiness of the aircraft.
3. Depending on the content of the recommendation, the history of the particular aircraft, and
the knowledge of the CAMO making the recommendation in terms of experience, number
and correction of findings and previous recommendations the extent of the investigation
will vary. Therefore, whenever possible the person carrying out the investigation should be
involved in the oversight of the CAMO making the recommendation.
4. In some cases, the inspector may decide that it is necessary to organise:
- a physical survey of the aircraft, or
- a full or partial airworthiness review.
In this case, the inspector should inform the CAMO making the recommendation with
sufficient notice so that it may organise itself according to M.A.901(i).
Furthermore, this part of the investigation should be carried out by appropriate
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