Page 198 - Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements Consolidated - Total AOC
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Regulation OTAR Part 125 - Complex General Aviation

                                            years subject to any conditions which may be attached to the approval, unless otherwise varied,
                                            suspended or revoked.
             OTAR.125.A.10           Approval process
                                        (a)  An operator seeking approval in accordance with 125.A.5 shall provide the Governor with such
                                            documentation as may be required by this OTAR Part.
                                        (b)  The operator shall apply to the Governor with any documents required at least 90 days prior to
                                            the proposed commencement of the activity.
             OTAR.125.A.15           Issue and continued validity of an Approval
                                        (a)  An operator applying for approval in accordance with 125.A.5 shall:
                                              (1)  demonstrate compliance with the requirements of (b) or the requirements of (c) at the
                                                 time of application and for the duration of the approval period; and
                                              (2)  comply with the requirements of this Part, and Part 91, as they apply to the aircraft
                                                 operation, including any additional requirements for specific operations and
                                                 airworthiness approvals and all other applicable OTAR requirements.
                                        (b)  An operator who holds valid, industry recognised, certification (certification includes registration,
                                            membership etc.) for a business aviation standard (standard includes programmes or similar),
                                            that is acceptable to the Governor, shall:
                                              (1)  continue to comply with (a)(2) above and with the requirements of the relevant
                                                 standard, in order that certification remains valid at all times; and
                                              (2)  submit to the Governor, reports of audits required to maintain certification, upon
                                                 receipt; and
                                              (3)  submit to the Governor, reports of audits required to establish compliance with the
                                                 requirements of this Part, over and above those required to maintain certification, upon
                                                 receipt, or at such intervals as the Governor may require; and
                                              (4)  submit to the Governor, copies of valid certification documentation, upon receipt; and
                                              (5)  submit details of their safety management system at such times as the Governor may
                                                 require; and
                                              (6)  submit their operations manual at such times as the Governor may require; and
                                              (7)  notify the Governor immediately if their business aviation standard certification
                                                 becomes invalid.

                                        (c)  An operator who does not hold valid industry certification, shall:
                                              (1)  continue to comply with (a)(2) above; and
                                              (2)  submit for review by the Governor details of a safety management system for the
                                                 aircraft operation that complies with the requirements of 125.A.25; and
                                              (3)  submit their operations manual for review by the Governor; and
                                              (4)  submit reports of audits carried out at intervals of 12 months, or at such intervals as
                                                 the Governor may require, by an independent auditor acceptable to the Governor, in
                                                 order to demonstrate compliance with (a)(2) above.

             OTAR.125.A.20           Organisational structure
                                      ( a ) The operator shall establish an organisation capable of managing the safe operation of its aircraft.
                                      ( b ) The operator shall clearly define the duties and accountabilities of those staff responsible for
                                      managing the safe operation of aircraft.
             OTAR.125.A.25           Safety management system (SMS)
                                        (a)  The operator shall establish a safety management system appropriate to the size and
                                            complexity of the operation, for the proactive management of safety, that integrates the
                                            management of operations and technical systems with financial and human resource
                                            management, and that reflects quality assurance principles.
                                        (b)  The safety management system shall include policy and objectives for continuous improvement
                                            to the organisation’s overall safety performance.
                                        (c)  The safety management system shall clearly define lines of safety accountability throughout the
                                            operator's organisation, including a direct accountability for safety on the part of senior
                                        (d)  The safety management system shall include, as a minimum, the following:
                                              (1)  processes to identify actual and potential safety hazards and assess the associated
                                                 risks; and
                                              (2)  processes to develop and implement remedial action necessary to maintain agreed
                                                 safety performance; and
                                              (3)  provision for continuous monitoring and regular assessment of the safety
                                                 performance; and
                                              (4)  recurring processes for continuous improvement of the performance of the safety
                                                 management system; and
                                              (5)  quality assurance processes to:
                                                   (i)  identify applicable requirements, regulations and standards and demonstrate
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