Page 204 - Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements Consolidated - Total AOC
P. 204

Regulation OTAR Part 135 - CAT - Helicopters and Small Aeroplanes

                                                 aware of their responsibilities and the relationship of such duties to the operation as a
                                             (2)  where contracted and sub-contract staff are used by the operator to carry out functions
                                                 that relate to the safety of aircraft, the operator shall ensure that the relevant duties and
                                                 accountabilities of those staff are clearly defined by the operator. The operator shall
                                                 also ensure that the responsibilities of any contracting organisation and their staff are
                                                 clearly defined and confirmed within the contract or agreement.
                                             (3)  where operations personnel prepare an operational flight plan, those personnel:
                                                   (i)  are trained and competent to perform the task; and
                                                   (ii)  are notified as soon as practicable of relevant changes in equipment,
                                                       operating procedures or facilities, including: changes to the use of navigation
                                                       aids, aerodromes, ATC procedures and regulations, local aerodrome traffic
                                                       control rules, and known hazards to flight including potentially hazardous
                                                       meteorological conditions and irregularities in ground and navigation facilities;
                                                   (iii)  have been provided, where necessary, with an aeroplane operating manual,
                                                       for each aircraft type operated.

             OTAR.135.170            Standard operating procedures
                                        (a)  The operator shall provide and include in the operations manual, standard operating procedures
                                            for the use of aircraft crew and other operating staff for every aircraft type operated.
                                        (b)  The standard operating procedures shall contain the normal, abnormal and emergency
                                            procedures relating to the operation of aircraft.
             OTAR.135.175            Procedure compliance
                                      All operational personnel shall conform with the applicable procedures specified in the operations manual.
             OTAR.135.180            Meteorological information
                                      The operator shall ensure that:
                                        (a)  each person responsible for commercial air transport operations under VFR shall plan, perform,
                                            and control flights using meteorological information that is either:
                                             (1)  provided for aviation purposes; or
                                             (2)  provided from a source that has been assessed by the operator for its reliability and
                                                 accuracy and considered acceptable for the purpose of the flight.
                                        (b)  each person performing an IFR commercial air transport operation shall plan, perform, and
                                            control flights using meteorological information provided for aviation purposes.

             OTAR.135.185            Pre-flight action
                                      The operator shall ensure that before each flight, information is available to the pilot-in-command to
                                      complete the preparation for the intended operation and to ensure the adequacy of the facilities.
             OTAR.135.190            Flight preparation
                                      The operator shall ensure, by use of appropriate procedures, that no flight is commenced unless the
                                      requirements of 91.190 have been satisfied.
             OTAR.135.195            Operational flight plan
                                      The operator shall ensure that:
                                        (a)  an operational flight plan is completed for each flight or series of flights;
                                        (b)  if the operational flight plan is prepared by a person other than the pilot-in-command:
                                             (1)  the person responsible has signed the operational flight plan document; and
                                             (2)  the pilot-in-command is advised of the contents of the operational flight plan;
                                        (c)  the pilot-in-command has approved the content and has signed the document; and
                                        (d)  a certified copy of the operational flight plan is filed with the operator or designated agent, or left
                                            with the appropriate authority or on record in a suitable place at the point of departure.
             OTAR.135.200            ATS flight plan
                                      An ATS flight plan shall be submitted to an appropriate ATS unit, or its designated agent, prior to each flight.
             OTAR.135.205            Operational changes in flight
                                        (a)  The operator shall ensure that where there is a need to alter the operational flight plan of an
                                            aircraft in flight, and this alteration will require a change in the ATS flight plan, any changes shall
                                            be coordinated with the appropriate ATS unit before transmission to the pilot-in command of the
                                        (b)  Notwithstanding paragraph (a) above, it remains the responsibility of the pilot-in-command to
                                            obtain any necessary ATC clearances before making operational changes to the aircraft’s flight

             OTAR.135.210            Operating in icing conditions - ground procedures
                                      The operator shall ensure that a flight planned or expected to operate in suspected or known ground icing
                                      conditions shall not be commenced unless the aircraft has:
                                        (a)  been inspected for icing;
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