Page 209 - Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements Consolidated - Total AOC
P. 209

Regulation OTAR Part 135 - CAT - Helicopters and Small Aeroplanes

                                            circumstances may result in landing at the destination aerodrome with less than the final reserve
                                            fuel plus any fuel required to proceed to an alternate aerodrome or the fuel required to operate to
                                            an isolated aerodrome.
                                        (d)  The pilot-in-command shall advise ATC of a minimum fuel state by declaring MINIMUM FUEL
                                            when, having committed to land at a specific aerodrome, the pilot calculates that any change to
                                            the existing clearance to that aerodrome may result in landing with less than planned final
                                            reserve fuel.
                                            Note 2: The delaration of MINIMUM FUEL informs ATC that all planned aerodrome options have
                                            been reduced to a specific aerodrome of intended landing and any change to the existing
                                            clearance may result in landing with less than planned final reserve fuel. This is not an
                                            emergency situation but an indication that an emergency situation is possible should any
                                            additional delay occur.
                                            Note 3: Guidance on declaring minimum fuel is contained in the Flight Planning and Fuel
                                            Management Manual (ICAO Doc 9976).
                                        (e)  The pilot in command shall declare a situation of fuel emergency by broadcasting MAYDAY
                                            MAYDAY MAYDAY FUEL, when the calculated usable fuel predicted to be available on landing at
                                            the nearest aerodrome where a safe landing can be made is less than the planned final reserve
                                            Note 4: The "planned final reserve fuel" refers to the value calculated in 135.280(c)(5) and is the
                                            minimum amount of fuel required upon landing at any aerodrome.

             OTAR.135.310            Use of oxygen
                                      The operator shall ensure that:
                                        (a)  All flight crew members, engaged in performing duties essential to the safe operation of an
                                            aircraft in flight, use supplemental oxygen continuously whenever the cabin pressure altitude
                                            exceeds 10,000 feet.
             OTAR.135.315            Cosmic radiation
                                        (a)  The operator shall take appropriate measures to:
                                             (1)  assess the exposure to cosmic radiation when in flight of all crew members who are
                                                 liable to be subject to cosmic radiation in excess of 1 millisievert (mSv) in any period of
                                                 12 months;
                                             (2)  take into account the assessed exposure when organising work schedules with a view
                                                 to reducing the doses of highly exposed crew members;
                                             (3)  inform the crew members concerned of the health risks their work involves; and
                                             (4)  retain assessments of exposure to cosmic radiation for the periods specified in

                                            Note: The exposure of crew in aircraft that do not generally operate above 26,000 feet is likely to
                                            result in an annual dose less than 1 mSv in any 12 month period.
                                        (b)  The operator shall ensure that the working schedules for female crew members, once they have
                                            notified the operator that they are pregnant, keep the equivalent dose to the foetus as low as can
                                            reasonably be achieved and in any case ensure that the dose does not exceed 1 mSv for the
                                            remainder of the pregnancy.
                                        (c)  The operator shall ensure that for any flight operated above 49,000 feet:
                                             (1)  procedures for operating above 49,000 feet and for the use of monitoring equipment
                                                 shall be specified in the operations manual;
                                             (2)  a descent to 49,000 feet or lower is initiated as soon as practicable if the limit values of
                                                 cosmic radiation dose rate specified in the operations manual are exceeded.
             OTAR.135.320            Manipulation of controls
                                        (a)  The operator shall ensure that no person is permitted to manipulate the flight controls of an
                                            aircraft on a flight for the purpose of commercial air transport, unless the person is:
                                             (1)  a flight crew member qualified in accordance with Subpart J and authorised by the
                                                 operator; or
                                             (2)  an authorised representative of the Governor, qualified in accordance with Subpart J
                                                   (i)  has the permission of the operator and the pilot-in-command; and
                                                   (ii)  is performing a required duty.
                                        (b)  Where a passenger occupies a seat with access to flight controls the pilot-in-command shall
                                            brief that passenger to ensure no intentional or inadvertent manipulation of flight controls or
                                            instruments occurs.
             OTAR.135.325            Flight crew communication
                                      The operator shall ensure that all flight crew members required to be on flight deck duty shall communicate
                                      through boom or throat microphones below the transition altitude.
             OTAR.135.330            Locking of flight-crew compartment door
                                      The operator shall:
                                        (a)  ensure that on all aeroplanes which are equipped with a flight crew compartment door, the door
                                            is closed and locked from the time all external doors are closed following embarkation until any
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