Page 210 - Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements Consolidated - Total AOC
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Regulation OTAR Part 135 - CAT - Helicopters and Small Aeroplanes

                                            such door is opened for disembarkation, except when necessary to permit access and egress
                                            by authorised persons; and
                                        (b)  establish procedures whereby cabin crew members are able to notify flight crew discreetly of any
                                            security situation which may arise in the aircraft cabin.
             OTAR.135.335            Fuelling operations
                                        (a)  Notwithstanding OTAR 91.335, the operator shall ensure that an aeroplane is not refuelled or
                                            defuelled when passengers are embarking, on board or disembarking unless:
                                             (1)  the aeroplane is properly attended by qualified personnel ready to initiate and direct an
                                                 evacuation by the most practical and expeditious means available; and
                                             (2)  two-way communication is maintained by use of the aeroplane inter-communication
                                                 system or other suitable means between the ground crew supervising the refuelling or
                                                 defuelling and the qualified personnel on board the aeroplane.
                                        (b)  Nothing in this paragraph requires the deployment of integral airstairs or the opening of
                                            emergency exits as a prerequisite to refuelling or defuelling.
                                        (c)  The operator shall ensure that a helicopter is not refuelled when passengers are embarking, on
                                            board, disembarking or when the rotor is turning or oxygen is being replenished, unless the
                                            operator is granted specific authorisation by the Governor specifying the conditions under which
                                            such refuelling may be carried out.

             OTAR.135.370            Aerial work and specialised operations
                                      Note: When complying with 91.370(b), (c) and (d) the operator should utilise his safety management
                                      system, and ensure that the standard operating procedures requirements in 135.170 are satisfied.
             OTAR.135.380            Towing, picking up, raising and lowering of persons and articles
                                      For helicopter hoist operations (HHO) the scope of the activity that the operator is authorised to conduct
                                      shall be specified in the operations specifications to the air operator's certificate.
             OTAR.135.400            Meteorological conditions – VFR flight
                                      The operator shall ensure that a commercial air transport operation is not carried out under VFR above
                                      more than scattered cloud unless:
                                        (a)  the aircraft meets the requirements for IFR flight and the required minimum flight crew for IFR
                                            operation, holding current instrument rating qualifications, is performing the operation; and
                                        (b)  the instruments and equipment, including radio navigation equipment, required for IFR flight are
                                            operative; and
                                        (c)  the aircraft is multi-engine, and is capable, with one engine inoperative, of maintaining a net flight
                                            path that has a positive slope at 1,000 feet above the cloud; and
                                        (d)  the aircraft carries radio navigation equipment enabling it to be navigated by IFR to an aerodrome
                                            where an instrument approach procedure may be carried out for landing; and
                                        (e)  the aircraft carries sufficient fuel and fuel reserves to proceed by IFR to an aerodrome where an
                                            instrument approach procedure may be carried out for landing.
             OTAR.135.405            Commercial air transport aeroplane operations at night or in IMC
                                      Note: The additional operating limitations for aeroplanes described in 91.405 and operated under this Part
                                      are included in the aeroplane performance requirements applicable under 135.565.
             OTAR.135.410            Meteorological conditions – IFR flight
                                        (a)  Notwithstanding 91.410, the operator shall ensure that:
                                             (1)  an IFR flight does not take off unless current meteorological reports, or a combination
                                                 of current reports and forecasts indicate that the meteorological conditions will at the
                                                 estimated time of use at the aerodrome of intended landing or at each nominated
                                                 alternate aerodrome be at or above the applicable aerodrome operating minima; and
                                             (2)  the margin of time established for planning the estimated time of use of an aerodrome
                                                 shall be specified in the operations manual and approved by the Governor.

             OTAR.135.415            IFR departure limitations
                                        (a)  The operator shall ensure that:
                                             (1)  an IFR flight does not take off when meteorological conditions are below prescribed IFR
                                                 landing minima unless meteorological reports and forecasts indicate that a successful
                                                 approach and landing can be made at the take-off alternate; and
                                             (2)  Low Visibility Take-off (LVTO) operations are conducted in accordance with Subpart
             OTAR.135.420            Minimum flight altitudes
                                      The operator shall ensure that:
                                        (a)  When establishing minimum flight altitude for each route, the following factors shall be taken into
                                             (1)  the accuracy and reliability with which the position of the aircraft can be determined;
                                             (2)  the inaccuracies in the indications of the altimeters used; and
                                             (3)  the characteristics of the terrain; and
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