Page 205 - Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements Consolidated - Total AOC
P. 205

Regulation OTAR Part 135 - CAT - Helicopters and Small Aeroplanes

                                        (b)  where necessary, has been given appropriate de/anti-icing treatment; and
                                        (c)  details of any de/anti-icing treatment recorded in the aircraft technical log.

             OTAR.135.215            Operating in icing conditions - flight procedures
                                      The operator shall establish procedures for flight in expected or actual icing conditions if the aircraft is
                                      certificated and equipped to cope with such conditions.
             OTAR.135.225            Use of aerodromes/operating sites
                                      The operator shall:
                                        (a)  only authorise use of aerodromes that are adequate for the type(s) of aeroplane and operation(s)
                                        (b)  as part of his safety management system, assess the level of rescue and fire fighting service
                                            (RFFS) protection available at any aerodrome intended to be specified in the operational flight
                                            plan in order to ensure that an acceptable level of protection is available for the aeroplane to be
                                        (c)  ensure that any aerodrome or landing site to be used in its operations is described in Part C of
                                            the operations manual;
                                        (d)  ensure that information related to the level of RFFS protection that is deemed acceptable by the
                                            operator shall be contained in the operations manual;
                                            Note 1: ICAO Annex 6 Part I Attachment K contains guidance on assessing an acceptable level
                                            of RFFS protection at aerodromes.
                                            Note 2: It is not intended that this guidance limit or regulate the operation of an aerodrome. The
                                            assessment performed by the operator does not in any way affect the RFFS requirements of
                                            ICAO Annex 14, Volume I, for aerodromes;
                                        (e)  for a helicopter flying at night, ensure that adequate lighting is in operation at any operating site
                                            where it is intended to take off or land.
             OTAR.135.240            Aerodrome operating minima – determination
                                        (a)  The operator shall establish aerodrome operating minima for each aerodrome to be used in
                                            operations in accordance with:
                                             (1)  SubPart B, Operational Procedures, to Annex IV, Part CAT (and associated
                                                 AMCs/GMs) of European Commission Regulation (EU) 800/2013 'Air Operations'.
                                        (b)  For each alternate aerodrome, the operator shall specify appropriate incremental values for
                                            height of cloud base and visibility to be added to the applicable aerodrome operating minima, in
                                            order to ensure that an adequate margin of safety is observed in determining whether or not an
                                            approach and landing can be safely carried out.
                                        (c)  The method of determining aerodrome operating minima shall be approved by the Governor and
                                            included in the operations manual.
                                            Note: Guidance on the selection of the incremental values in (b) is contained in the Flight
                                            Planning and Fuel Management Manual (ICAO Doc 9976).
             OTAR.135.245            Noise abatement procedures
                                        (a)  The operator’s noise abatement procedures for departure and arrival/approach for each
                                            aeroplane type, shall be designed to be simple and safe to operate with no significant increase in
                                            crew workload during critical phases of flight.
                                        (b)  The pilot-in-command shall follow noise abatement procedures unless these would have a
                                            detrimental effect on aircraft safety.
             OTAR.135.255            Take-off alternate
                                        (a)  The operator shall ensure that a take-off alternate aerodrome is selected and specified in the
                                            operational flight plan if either: the meteorological conditions at the aerodrome of departure are at
                                            or below the applicable aerodrome operating minima for landing; or, it would not be possible to
                                            return to the aerodrome of departure for other reasons.
                                        (b)  The take-off alternate aerodrome shall be located within the following flight time from the
                                            aerodrome of departure:
                                             (1)  for an aeroplane with two engines, one hour of flight time at a one-engine-inoperative
                                                 cruising speed determined from the aircraft operating manual, calculated in ISA and
                                                 still-air conditions using the actual take-off mass;
                                             (2)  for an aeroplane with three or more engines, two hours of flight time at an all-engine
                                                 operating cruising speed, determined from the aircraft operating manual, calculated in
                                                 ISA and still-air conditions using the actual take-off mass;
                                             (3)  for aeroplanes engaged in extended diversion time operations (EDTO) where an
                                                 alternate aerodrome meeting the distance criteria of (b)(1) or (b)(2) is not available, the
                                                 first available alternate aerodrome located within the distance of the operator’s
                                                 approved maximum diversion time considering the actual take-off mass.
             OTAR.135.260            En-route alternate
                                      En-route alternate aerodromes, required for extended diversion time operations by aeroplanes with two
                                      turbine engines, shall be selected and specified in both the operational and ATS flight plans.
             OTAR.135.265            Destination alternate
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