Page 225 - Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements Consolidated - Total AOC
P. 225

Regulation OTAR Part 135 - CAT - Helicopters and Small Aeroplanes

                                            record those parameters at a maximum sampling and recording interval of 0.125 seconds.
                                            Note 4: For aeroplanes with control systems in which movement of a control surface will back
                                            drive the pilot’s control, “or” applies. For aeroplanes with control systems in which movement of
                                            a control surface will not back drive the pilot’s control, “and” applies. In aeroplanes with
                                            independent moveable surfaces, each surface needs to be recorded separately. In aeroplanes
                                            with independent pilot input on primary controls, each pilot input on primary controls needs to be
                                            recorded separately.
                                            Note 5: “The application for type certification is submitted to an ICAO Contracting State” refers to
                                            the date of application of the original “Type certificate” for the aeroplane type, not the date of
                                            certification of particular aeroplane variation or derivative models.
                                        (e)  A multi-engined turbine-engined aeroplane with MTOM of 5,700 kg or less for which the first
                                            certificate of airworthiness, for that individual aeroplane, was issued on or after 1 January 1990
                                            shall be equipped with a Type IIA FDR.
                                        (f)  A turbine-engined helicopter with MTOM exceeding 2,250 kg, up to and including 3,180 kg for
                                            which the application for type certification was submitted to an ICAO Contracting State on or
                                            after 1 January 2018 shall be equipped with:
                                              (1)  a Type IVA FDR; or
                                              (2)  a Class C AIR capable of recording flight path and speed parameters displayed to the
                                                  pilot(s); or
                                              (3)  an ADRS capable of recording the essential parameters. (See Note 3 above,
                                                  regarding the parameters to be recorded.)
                                        (g)  A helicopter with MTOM of 3,180 kg or less for which the first certificate of airworthiness, for that
                                            individual helicopter, was issued on or after 1 January 2018 shall be equipped with:
                                              (1)  a Type IVA FDR; or
                                              (2)  a Class C AIR capable of recording flight path and speed parameters displayed to the
                                                  pilot(s); or
                                              (3)  an ADRS capable of recording the essential parameters. (See Note 3 above,
                                                  regarding the parameters to be recorded.)
                                        (h)  A helicopter with MTOM exceeding 3,180 kg for which the first certificate of airworthiness, for
                                            that individual helicopter, was issued on or after 1 January 2016 shall be equipped with a Type
                                            IVA FDR.
                                        (i)  Flight data recorders - helicopters for which the first certificate of airworthiness, for that
                                            individual helicopter, was issued on or after 1 January 1989:
                                              (1)  A helicopter with MTOM exceeding 7,000 kg, or with a maximum approved passenger
                                                  seating configuration of more than 19 shall be equipped with a Type IV FDR.
                                              (2)  A helicopter with MTOM exceeding 3,180 kg, up to and including 7,000 kg, shall be
                                                  equipped with a Type V FDR.
                                        (j)  Types I and IA FDRs shall record the parameters required to determine accurately the aeroplane
                                            flight path, speed, attitude, engine power, configuration and operation.
                                        (k)  Types II and IIA FDRs shall record the parameters required to determine accurately the
                                            aeroplane flight path, speed, attitude, engine power and configuration of lift and drag devices.
                                        (l)  A Type IV FDR shall record the parameters required to determine accurately the helicopter flight
                                            path, speed, attitude, engine power and operation.
                                        (m)  A Type IVA FDR shall record the parameters required to determine accurately the helicopter
                                            flight path, speed, attitude, engine power, operation and configuration.
                                        (n)  A Type V FDR shall record the parameters required to determine accurately the helicopter flight
                                            path, speed, attitude and engine power.
                                        (o)  (1) FDRs shall be capable of retaining the information recorded during at least the last 25 hours
                                            of their operation; except
                                              (2)  Type IV, IVA and V FDRs shall be capable of retaining the information recorded during
                                                  at least the last 10 hours of their operation; and
                                              (3)  Type IIA FDRs shall be capable of retaining the information recorded during the last 30
                                                  minutes of their operation.
                                        (p)  The use of the following FDRs shall be discontinued:
                                              (1)  Engraving metal foil FDRs.
                                              (2)  Photographic film FDRs.
                                              (3)  Analogue FDRs using frequency modulation (FM).
                                              (4)  Magnetic tape FDRs by 1 January 2016.

             OTAR.135.760            Flight recorders – cockpit voice recorder (CVR) and cockpit audio recording system (CARS)
                                        (a)  A turbine-engined aeroplane with MTOM exceeding 2,250 kg, up to and including 5,700 kg for
                                            which the application for a type certification is submitted to an ICAO Contracting State on or after
                                            1 January 2016 and required to be operated by more than one pilot shall be equipped with a CVR
                                            or a CARS.
                                        (b)  A turbine-engined aeroplane with MTOM of 5,700 kg or less for which the first certificate of
                                            airworthiness, for that individual aeroplane, was issued on or after 1 January 2016 and required
                                            to be operated by more than one pilot shall be equipped with either a CVR or a CARS.
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