Page 229 - Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements Consolidated - Total AOC
P. 229

Regulation OTAR Part 135 - CAT - Helicopters and Small Aeroplanes

             OTAR.135.930            Pilot experience
                                      The operator shall ensure that any person operating as a pilot of a commercial air transport operation:
                                        (a)  is suitably trained and qualified on the aircraft type; and
                                        (b)  is capable, in the event of the pilot-in-command being incapacitated:
                                             (1)  of operating the aircraft safely under the prevailing and anticipated forecast weather
                                                 conditions; and
                                             (2)  of landing the aircraft at the intended destination or a suitable alternate.

             OTAR.135.935            Pilot operating limitations
                                      The operator shall specify any pilot operating limitations in the operations manual.
             OTAR.135.940            Cabin crew duty assignment
                                      The operator shall ensure that:
                                        (a)  unless otherwise authorised by the Governor its aeroplanes are operated with at least the
                                            minimum number of cabin crew carried as crew members:
                                             (1)  specified by the manufacturer’s recommended emergency evacuation procedures for
                                                 the aeroplane configuration being used; and
                                             (2)  specified by the certified design criteria for the aeroplane.

             OTAR.135.945            Task specialists – emergency functions
                                      The operator shall assign to any task specialist the functions to be carried out in the event of an aircraft
                                      emergency and of an emergency evacuation becoming necessary.
             OTAR.135.950            Training programmes – general
                                        (a)  The operator shall establish a ground and flight training programme, approved by the Governor,
                                            to ensure that operating staff, including flight crew, cabin crew and other crew members are
                                            adequately trained and competent to perform their duties; as follows:
                                             (1)  The training programme shall include skills in relation to human performance and
                                                 awareness of the operator's safety management system (SMS) as appropriate to the
                                                 area of work.
                                             (2)  The training programme shall be reviewed periodically to ensure that training elements
                                                 are included with regard to significant safety risks, taking account of the nature of the
                                             (3)  Training programmes for flight crew shall consist of ground and flight training on the
                                                 type(s) of aircraft on which the flight crew member serves and shall include training in
                                                 normal procedures and all types of emergency or abnormal situations.
                                             (4)  Flight crew shall be trained in the use of the operator’s standard operating procedures.
                                             (5)  The training for each crew member, particularly that relating to abnormal or emergency
                                                 procedures, shall ensure that all crew members know the functions for which they are
                                                 responsible and the relation of these functions to the functions of other crew members.
                                             (6)  The training programme shall be given on a recurrent basis, at least annually, and shall
                                                 include an assessment of competence.
                                             (7)  The training programme shall include the syllabus for each type of training to be
                                        (b)  The operator shall ensure that each crew member is trained in accordance with the training
                                        (c)  The operator shall ensure that details of the training programme form the operations manual,
                                            Part D.
                                        (d)  The operator shall ensure that any person responsible for providing training is appropriately
                                            qualified to do so.
                                        (e)  The operator shall ensure that the training programme is conducted safely and without
                                            unacceptable risk to the equipment and personnel or third parties.
                                        (g)  The operator shall ensure that training in aircraft procedures is carried out in either an aircraft of
                                            the type to be used by that crew member or in an appropriate synthetic training device (STD).
                                        (h)  Training programmes for flight crew shall include knowledge and skills related to the operational
                                            use of head-up display (HUD) and/or enhanced vision systems (EVS) for those aircraft so
                                        (i)  Training programmes for flight crew shall include the use of Electronic Flight Bags (EFBs) if used
                                            on board.
             OTAR.135.955            Security training programme
                                        (a)  The operator shall establish and maintain a security training programme to ensure that any crew
                                            member is able to take appropriate action to prevent acts of unlawful interference and to
                                            minimise the consequences of such occurrences should they occur.
                                        (b)  The programme shall acquaint staff members with preventive measures in relation to
                                            passengers, baggage, cargo, equipment, stores and supplies intended for carriage on an aircraft
                                            so that they can contribute to the prevention of acts of unlawful interference.
                                        (c)  The security training programme shall be appropriate to the size of aircraft operated and the type
                                            of air operations carried out by the operator.
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