Page 231 - Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements Consolidated - Total AOC
P. 231

Regulation OTAR Part 135 - CAT - Helicopters and Small Aeroplanes

                                        (c)  Throughout the training programme applicable to an aircraft type, the operator shall provide crew
                                            with an aircraft flight manual, or equivalent, containing the normal, abnormal and emergency
                                            procedures relating to the operation of the aircraft. The manual shall include details of the aircraft
                                            systems and of the checklists to be used. The design of the manual shall observe human factors
                                            principles. The aircraft flight manual shall remain available to crew members while they are
                                            assigned to operate that aircraft type.
                                        (d)  The operator may include in the crew member training programme for flight crew, the use of an
                                            aircraft for manoeuvres and training that are acceptable to the Governor.
             OTAR.135.980            Pilot training requirements
                                        (a)  The operator shall ensure that the training programme specifies the minimum standards of
                                            qualification and experience required of pilots for each type of flying operation conducted by the
                                            operator, including the requirements for entry into conversion or type training courses or other
                                            role specific training.
                                        (b)  The operator shall ensure that when establishing pilot training requirements at least the following
                                            factors shall be taken into account:
                                             (1)  the pilot’s flying experience; and
                                             (2)  the availability and experience of other crew members; and
                                             (3)  the influence of terrain and obstructions on departure and approach procedures at the
                                                  aerodromes and alternate aerodromes that may be used; and
                                             (4)  particular instrument approach procedures that may be required; and
                                             (5)  the type and dimensions of runways that may be used, in relation to the performance
                                                  characteristics of the aircraft; and
                                             (6)  seasonal meteorological conditions and the reliability of meteorological observations,
                                                  reports and forecasts in the route network; and
                                             (7)  the adequacy of any information that may be available regarding aerodrome
                                                  conditions; and
                                             (8)  any likely air traffic procedures that may be encountered and in particular, those
                                                  procedures that may be outside the pilot's previous experience; and
                                             (9)  influence of terrain and local geographic features on route conditions and the extent of
                                                  assistance available from navigational aids and air-to-ground communication facilities;
                                             (10)  the extent to which it is possible for the pilot to become familiar with unusual
                                                  aerodrome procedures and features of the route by means of ground instruction and
                                                  training devices.
                                        (c)  Recurrent training shall be provided, at least annually, to ensure that pilots maintain knowledge
                                             (1)  operational procedures; and
                                             (2)  aircraft systems and procedures.

             OTAR.135.985            Safety and emergency procedures training
                                        (a)  The operator shall ensure each crew member completes training in safety and emergency
                                            procedures, as appropriate to the emergency equipment carried on the aircraft or worn by crew
                                            members, and the nature of the flying operations being carried out.
                                        (b)  Initial training in all relevant safety and emergency procedures shall be completed prior to any
                                            flying operations or aircraft flying training being commenced.
                                        (c)  Recurrent training in safety and emergency procedures shall be carried out on at least an annual
                                            basis, and shall include the following elements (where appropriate to the aircraft type or type of
                                             (1)  Annually:
                                                   (i)  actual donning of a lifejacket;
                                                   (ii)  actual donning of protective breathing equipment;
                                                   (iii)  actual handling of fire extinguishers;
                                                   (iv)  instruction on the location and use of all emergency and safety; equipment
                                                       carried on the aircraft, including first aid and universal precaution kits and
                                                       automated external defibrillators;
                                                   (v)  operation of all types of exits;
                                                   (vi)  security procedures;
                                             (2)  Within any three year period:
                                                   (i)  demonstration of the method used to operate a slide, where fitted;
                                                   (ii)  actual use of fire-fighting equipment;
                                                   (iii)  effects of smoke in an enclosed area and use of any relevant equipment;
                                                   (iv)  actual handling of flares (use of or simulated use of);
                                                   (v)  demonstration in use of liferaft, where fitted or carried;
                                                   (vi)  ditching procedures training, as appropriate.

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