Page 236 - Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements Consolidated - Total AOC
P. 236
Regulation OTAR Part 135 - CAT - Helicopters and Small Aeroplanes
experience requirements are approved
(b) Any reduction in checking because of similarities between variants or types must be approved by
the Governor.
(c) SEP checks must cover all SEP requirements for each type and variant operated.
OTAR.135.1145 Flight examiner qualifications
(a) The operator shall ensure that, except as provided in paragraph (d), each person performing the
functions of a flight examiner in its competency assessment programme established under this
(1) is type rated or class rated, as appropriate, in the aircraft used to conduct the
operation; and
(2) is familiar with the types of operations conducted by the operator; and
(3) is currently qualified to the level of testing being undertaken; and
(4) completes initial and recurrent training requirements applicable to the testing carried
(b) Flight examiners conducting operator proficiency checks (OPC) shall be qualified as a Type
Rating Examiner (TRE) or as a Class Rating Examiner (CRE), as appropriate.
(c) Flight examiners conducting operator line checks (OLC) shall be:
(1) nominated by the operator in accordance with the approved competency assessment
programme; and
(2) provided with suitable training, as specified within the approved training programme;
(3) acceptable to the Governor.
(d) Where the competency assessment referred to in paragraph (a) above is carried out in a flight
simulator, the person who is performing the functions of a flight examiner shall:
(1) have satisfactorily completed a competency check as pilot-in-command in a type of
operation to which this OTAR Part applies; and
(2) have an appropriate flight examiner rating (TRE or CRE); and
(3) complete initial and recurrent training requirements applicable to the testing carried out.
OTAR.135.1147 Flight instructor qualifications
(a) The operator shall ensure that each person performing the functions of a flight instructor in its
training programme established under this Part:
(1) is type rated or class rated, as appropriate, in the aircraft used to conduct the
operation; and
(2) is familiar with the types of operations conducted by the operator; and
(3) be qualified as a Type Rating Instructor (TRI), a Class Rating Instructor (CRI), or a
Flight Instructor (FI) as appropriate; or
(4) satisfy the Governor that they have an acceptable level of training and competence;
(5) hold a licence or validation to operate the aircraft.
(6) is acceptable to the Governor.
OTAR.135.1150 Flight instructor and flight examiner competency checks
The operator shall ensure that each supervisory flight instructor or flight examiner receives instruction and
maintains proficiency as appropriate in:
(a) the methods of imparting instruction on how to operate, and how to ensure the safe operation of,
a particular make and series aircraft, or variant; and
(b) the methods of recovery from mishandled, non-normal, and emergency manoeuvres; and
(c) the operation of the aircraft, equipment, or flight simulator used and, in operational flight,
procedures and manoeuvres under normal, non-normal, and emergency conditions; and
(d) CRM elements and methods of evaluating CRM skills.
OTAR.135.1155 Cabin crew competency checks
The operator shall not use a cabin crew member unless, and a person shall not serve as a member of
cabin crew unless, within the immediately preceding 12 months, the operator has determined by
appropriate initial and recurrent assessment that the person has adequate knowledge and is competent in
the following areas as may be relevant to their duties:
(a) authority of the pilot-in-command; and
(b) passenger handling, including procedures to be followed in handling persons whose conduct
might jeopardise safety; and
(c) crew member assignments, functions, and responsibilities during emergencies, including
evacuation of persons who may need assistance; and
(d) seating of persons who may need assistance; and
(e) briefing of passengers; and
(f) use of cabin equipment and controls; and
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