Page 232 - Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements Consolidated - Total AOC
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Regulation OTAR Part 135 - CAT - Helicopters and Small Aeroplanes
OTAR.135.990 Crew resource management requirements
(a) The operator shall ensure each crew member training segment includes:
(1) crew resource management training applicable to each position for which training is
provided; and
(2) training in the use of each crew member’s crew resource management skills; and
(3) crew resource management training for each crew member in accordance with the
training programme required by paragraph 135.950 and an evaluation of the skills and
proficiency of each person being trained.
(b) for flight crew members this training and evaluation shall be conducted in a STD approved by the
Governor, where available.
OTAR.135.995 Threat and error management
The operator shall ensure each crew member training programme includes training in human performance
and human factors, and includes the principles of threat and error management.
OTAR.135.1000 Dangerous goods
(a) The operator shall ensure each crew member training programme provides for training in the
risks associated with the carriage of dangerous goods. This training should be carried out on a
recurrent basis, at least every two years, and shall include at least the following elements
(whether or not the operator holds an approval to carry dangerous goods):
(1) an understanding of the requirements that apply to the carriage of dangerous goods;
(2) an awareness of those items that are classified as dangerous goods; and
(3) an awareness of those dangerous goods which are permitted on board the aircraft,
whether in the cabin or as cargo; and
(4) an understanding of how dangerous goods should be labelled and marked; and
(5) emergency procedures to be followed in the event of a dangerous goods incident.
(b) Where the operator holds an approval for the carriage of dangerous goods, staff shall receive
additional training, appropriate to their responsibilities, in order to ensure compliance with OTAR
Part 92.
OTAR.135.1045 Cabin crew training
The operator shall ensure that:
(a) prior to performing the functions of cabin crew on a commercial air transport operation, each
person has satisfactorily completed the appropriate ground and flight training for the aeroplane
type and crew member position.
(b) the training for cabin crew shall address, as appropriate:
(1) the authority structure of the aeroplane crew; and
(2) crew member assignments, functions and responsibilities during emergencies; and
(3) procedures for passenger handling, including emergency procedures and procedures
to be followed in dealing with special classes of passengers according to the
operations manual; and
(4) briefing of passengers; and
(5) proper use of cabin equipment and controls; and
(6) location of safety and emergency equipment available for use by cabin or other crew
members; and
(7) location and use of oxygen equipment; and
(8) location and use of all normal and emergency exits, including evacuation slides and
escape ropes; and
(9) use of all safety and emergency equipment available on the aircraft, in accordance
with 135.985; and
(10) awareness of dangerous goods in accordance with 135.1000; and
(11) knowledge of human performance as related to passenger cabin safety duties,
including flight crew/cabin crew co-ordination; and
(12) OTARs and supporting documentation; and
(13) the operator’s documentation and procedures.
OTAR.135.1065 Manoeuvres requiring a synthetic training device
(a) The operator shall be required to carry out emergency and non-normal manoeuvres during flight
crew training or competency checking. Where such manoeuvres:
(1) need to be carried out in close proximity to the surface; or
(2) involve the need to simulate failure of an aircraft system; or
(3) involve actions that cannot be realistically carried out in the aircraft; or
(4) if mishandled, create an unacceptable risk to the aircraft, crew members or third
the operator shall specify, in detail, how such training or competency checking will be carried out.
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