Page 234 - Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements Consolidated - Total AOC
P. 234

Regulation OTAR Part 135 - CAT - Helicopters and Small Aeroplanes

                                             (3)  Precision instrument approach to approved minima with, for multi engine aeroplanes,
                                                 one engine inoperative; and
                                             (4)  Non-precision approach to approved minima; and
                                             (5)  Missed approach from minima, flown by reference to instruments only and with (for
                                                 multi engine aeroplanes) one engine inoperative; and
                                             (6)  Landing with one engine inoperative (for multi engine aeroplanes); and
                                             (7)  For single engine aeroplanes a practice forced landing.
                                             (8)  In addition to the elements prescribed in subparagraphs (e)(1) to (7) above, every other
                                                 check shall include the mandatory items of the proficiency checks contained in OTAR
                                                 Part 61.
                                        (f)  Where an approved flight simulator is not available and an OPC must be completed on the
                                            aircraft type, engine failures must be simulated and the conditions for simulating engine failure
                                            specified in the training and competency assessment programmes.
                                        (g)  Where there is no requirement for pilots to operate under the Instrument Flight Rules, an
                                            aeroplane OPC may be conducted without the elements listed at (e)(3) to (e)(5) above, but a
                                            visual approach and go-around must still be conducted and for a multi-engined aeroplane that
                                            element shall be flown with one engine inoperative.
                                        (h)  The OPC for pilots of helicopters who are required to conduct IFR operations shall include the
                                            following elements (unless such manoeuvres are not required by virtue of the helicopter type):
                                             (1)  precision approach to approved minima with simulated failure of one engine (for multi-
                                                 engine helicopters); and
                                             (2)  Go-around from minima, flown by reference to instruments, and in the case of multi-
                                                 engined helicopters with the simulated failure of one engine; and
                                             (3)  Non precision approach to approved minima; and
                                             (4)  Landing with a simulated failure of one or more engines; and
                                             (5)  Where appropriate, approach with flight control system/flight director system
                                                 malfunctions, and other flight instrument and navigation equipment failures.
                                        (i)  The OPC for helicopter pilots shall include the following checks of abnormal and emergency
                                            procedures over a three year period, except where inappropriate by virtue of the helicopter type:
                                             (1)  Engine fire;
                                             (2)  Fuselage fire;
                                             (3)  Emergency operation of undercarriage;
                                             (4)  Fuel dumping;
                                             (5)  Engine failure and restart;
                                             (6)  Hydraulic failure;
                                             (7)  Electrical failure;
                                             (8)  Engine failure during take off, before decision point;
                                             (9)  Engine failure after take off, before decision point;
                                             (10)  Engine failure during landing, before decision point;
                                             (11)  Engine failure during landing, after decision point;
                                             (12)  Flight and engine control system malfunctions;
                                             (13)  Recovery from unusual attitudes;
                                             (14)  Landing with one or more engines inoperative;
                                             (15)  IMC auto-rotative techniques;
                                             (16)  Autorotation to a designated area;
                                             (17)  Pilot incapacitation; and
                                             (18)  Directional control malfunctions.
                                        (j)  A helicopter pilot who requires to operate at night under visual meteorological conditions, but who
                                            does not hold a current instrument rating, shall be required to hold a current OPC that has been
                                            conducted at night.
             OTAR.135.1120           Operator line check
                                        (a)  The operator line check (OLC) shall be valid for a period of twelve calendar months in addition to
                                            the remainder of the month of issue; if the OLC is conducted within the final 3 calendar months
                                            of the previous OLC with the same operator, the OLC shall be valid from the date of issue until
                                            12 calendar months from the expiry of the previous OLC.
                                        (b)  The OLC shall ensure that each flight crew member demonstrates competence in carrying out
                                            normal line operations as specified in the operations manual.
                                        (c)  The OLC for each flight crew member shall be conducted on the aircraft, as part of a normal
                                            flight crew complement. The line check shall include pre-flight and post flight procedures and use
                                            of any equipment provided on the aircraft.
             OTAR.135.1125           Safety and emergency equipment checks
                                        (a)  The safety and emergency equipment and procedures check (SEPC) shall be valid for a period
                                            of twelve calendar months in addition to the remainder of the month of issue; if the SEPC is
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