Page 506 - UK Air Operations Regulations 201121
P. 506

~         Regulation SPA - ANNEX V - Specific Approval Operations                                            n trik

                                                   Event title/description   Parameters required   Comments
                                                Outside air temperature (OA TI high  OAT   To identify when the helicopter is
                                                - Operating limits                  operated at the lim its of OAT.
                                                Sloping-ground high-pitch attitude  Pitch  attitude,  ground  switch  To  identify wheri  ttie helicopter is
                                                                  (similar)         operated at the slope limits.
                                                Sloping-ground high-roll anitude   Roll   attitude,   ground   switch  To identify when tfle helicopter is
                                                                  (similar)         operated at the slope limits.
                                                Rotor  brake  on  at  an  exce.ssJVe   Rotor brake discreet, NR   To identify when the roto r brake is
                                                number  of  rotations  (ma n  rotor   applied at too high NR.
                                                speed) INR)
                                                Ground taxiing speed - max   Ground speed (GS), ground switch  To identify when the helicopter is
                                                                  (similar)         ground  taxied  at  high  speed
                                                                                    (wheeled helicopters only).
                                                Air taxiing speed - max   GS,  ground  switch (similar),  radio  To identify when the helicopter is
                                                                  altitude (Rad Alt)   air taxied at high speed.
                                                Exc.ess.ive  power  during  ground  Tota l  torque  (Tq),  ground  switch  To identify when excessive power is
                                                taxiing           (similar), GS     used during ground taxiing.
                                                Pedal  -  max  left-hand  (LH)  and  Pedal  position,  ground  switch  To  identify  when  the  helicopter
                                                right-hand (RH) taxiing   (similar), GS or NR   flight controls (pedals) are used to
                                                                                    excess on the ground. GS or NR to
                                                                                    exdude control test prior to rotor
                                                                                    sta rt.
                                                Excessive  yaw  r.ite  on  ground  Yaw rate, ground  swrtch (sim ilar),  To  identify  when  the  helicopter
                                                during taxiing    or Rad Alt        yaws  at a high  rate  when on  the
                                                Yaw rate in hover or on ground   Yaw  rate,  GS,  ground  switch  To  identify  when  t he  helicopter
                                                                  (similar)         yaws  at  a  high  rate  when  in  a
                                                High  latera l  acceleration  (rapid  Lateral acceleration, ground swit:dl  To  identify  high  levels  of  lateral
                                                cornering}        (similar)         acceleration, when ground taxiing.,
                                                                                    that indicate high cornering speed.
                                                High   longitudinal   acceleration  Longitudinal  acceleration,  ground  To   identify   high   levels   of
                                                (rapid braking)   switch (similar)   I ongitudinal  acceleration,  when
                                                                                    ground  taxiing,   tllat   indicate
                                                                                    excessive braking_
                                                Cydic-movement  limits  during  Cyclic stick position, ground switch  To identify excessive movement of
                                                taxiing (pitch or roll)   (similar), Rad Alt, NR or GS   the  rotor  disc  when  running  on
                                                                                    ground. GS or N R to exclude control
                                                                                    test prior to rotor start.
                                                E xcessive  longitudina l  and  lateral  Longitudinal  cyclic  pitch  rate,  To  detect  an  excessive  rate  of
                                                cyclic rate of movement on ground  lateral cyclic pitch rate, NR   movement of cyclic  control when
                                                                                    on the ground with rotors running.
                                                Lateral cyclic movement - closest  Lateral  cyclic  position,  pedal  To detect the  of  a helicopter
                                                to LH  and RH rollover   position, roll attitude, elapsed time,  rollover  due  to  an  incorrect
                                                                  ground switch {similar)   combination  of  tail  rotor  pedal
                                                                                    position  and  lateral  cyclic control
                                                                                    position when on ground.
                                                E xcessWe   cyclic   control  with  CollectWe pitch, longitudinal cycl ic  To  detect  an  incorrect  taxiing
                                                insufficient  collective  pitch  on  pitch, lateral cyclic pitch   technique likely to cause rotor head
                                                ground                              damage.
                                                Inadvertent lift-off   Ground  switch (similar), autopilot  To  detect  inadvertent  lifting  into
                                                                  di.screet         hover.
                                                                   Flight - Take-off and landing
                                                Day or night landing or take-off   Latitude  and  Longitude  (Lat  &  To provide day/night  relevance to
                                                                  Long), local time or UTC   detected events.
                                                Specific location of landing or take-  Lat& l ong, ground switch (similar),  To  give  contenual  information
                                                off               Rad Alt, to tall q   concerning   departures   and
                                                Gear  extension  and  retraction  -  Indicated  airspeed  IIAS),  gear  To  identify  wtien  undercarriage
                                                airspeed I mit    position          airspeed limitations are breached.
                                                Gear  extension  &  retraction  -  Gear position, Rad Alt   To  identify  wtien  undercarriage
                                                height limit                        alt itude limitations are breached.
                                                Heavy landing     Normal/venical   acceleration,  To  identify  when  hard/heavy
                                                                  ground switch {similar)   landings take place.
                                                cabin  heater  on  (take-off  and  Cabin  heater  discreet,  ground  To identify use of engine bleed air
                                                landing)          switch (similar)   during  periods  of  high  power
                                                High GS  prior to touchdown ITD)   GS, Rad Alt, ground switch (similar),  To  assist  in  t he  identification  of
                                                                  elapsed time, latitude, longitude   'quick stop' approaches.
                                                                       Flight - Speed
                                                High airspeed - with power   IAS,  Tq  1,  Tq 2,  pressure  altitude  To  identify  excessive  airspeed  in
                                                                  (Pait), OAT       fiight.
                                                High airspeed - low alt itude   IAS, Rad Alt   To  identify  excessive  airspeed  in
                                                                                    low-level flight .
                                                low airspeed at altitude   IAS, Rad Alt   To identify a 'hover out of ground'
                                                Airspeed on departure(< 300 It)   IAS, ground switch (simi ar), Rad Alt  To identify shallow departure.
                                                Htgh airspeed - power off   IAS,  Tq 1,  Tq 2  or  one  engine  To identify I mrtation e.xceedance of
                                                                  inoperative (OEI) discreet, Pait, OAT  power-off airs.peed.
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