Page 508 - UK Air Operations Regulations 201121
P. 508
~ Regulation SPA - ANNEX V - Specific Approval Operations n trik
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negative. Ground switch (s imilar)
required to determine air/ground.
Rad Alt required if he ight limit
Pilot workload/turbulel'\ce Collective and/or cycl ic and/or tail To detect high workload and/or
rotor peda I position and change turbulence encountered during
rate (Lat & Long) take-off and landing phases. Lat &
Long required for specific landing
sites. A specific and complkated
algo rithm for th is event is required.
See Unrted Kingdom Civi l Aviation
Autltority (UK CAA) Paper 2002/02_
Cross controlling Roll rate, yaw rate, pitdl rate, GS, To detect an 'out of balance' flight.
accelerations Airspeed could be used instead of
Qu ick stop GS (m in and maxi, V/S, pitdl To identify inappropriate flight
characteri!.tics. Airspeed could be
used instead of GS.
Flight - General
OEI - Air OEI dl.Screet, ground Wiitch To detect OEI con drt:ions in flight.
Single engine fl ight No 1 engine Tq, No 2 engirie Tq To detect singfe-engine flight.
Torque split No 1 engine Tq, No 2 engine Tq To identify engine-related issues.
Pilot event Pilot event discreet To identify when flight crews have
depressed the pilot event button.
Traffic collisJOn avoidance system TCAS TA discreet To identify TCAS alerts.
{TCAS) tr.rffic advisory {TA)
Training computer active Tra ining computer mode active or To identify when helicopter have
discreet been on training flights.
High/low rotor speed - power on NR, Tq (ground switch (similar), IAS, To identify mishandling of NR.
GS) Ground switch (similar), IAS or
ground speed required to
determine whether helicopter is
ai rborne.
H lgh/1 ow rotor speed - power off NR, Tq (ground switch (similar), IAS, To identify mishandling of NR.
GS) Ground switch (similar), IAS or
ground speed to determine
whether helicopter is airborne.
fuel content low fuel contents To identify low-fue l alerts_
Helicopter terra in awarelle.Ss and HTAWS alerts discreet To identify when HTAWS alerts
warning system (HTAWS) alert have been activated.
Automatic voice alert device AVAD discreet To identify when AVAD alerts have
(AVAD) alert been activated.
Bleed air system use during tak.e-off Bleed air system discreet, ground To identify use of engine bleed ai r
(e_g_ heating) switch (similar), lAS during periods of high power
Rotors' running duration NR, elapsed time To identify rotors-' running time for
bil I ng purposes.
Flight - Approach
Stable approach heading change Magnetic heading, Rad Alt, ground To identify unstable approaches.
switch (sim ilar), gear positJOn,
elapsed time
Stable approach pitch attitude Prtch attitude, Rad Alt, ground To identify unstable approaches.
switch (simil ar), gear position
Stable approach rod GS Altitude rate, Rad Alt, ground To identify unstable approaches.
switch (similar), gear positlOn
Go-around Gear select (Rad Alt) To identify missed approaches. Rad
Alt for height I m it .
Rate of descent on approach Altitude rate, Rad Alt, Lat & long, To identify high rates of de.scent
ground switch (similar) when at low level on approach. Rad
Alt if below spe,:ified height, Lat &
Long for specified location
Fligt,t - Autopilot
Condition of autopilot in flight Autopilot discreet To detect flight without autopilot
engaged; per channel for
multichannel autopilots.
Autopilot engaged within 10sec Autopilot engaged discreet, elapsed To identify inadvertent lift-off
alter take-off time, ground switch (similar), total without autopilot engaged.
Tq, Rad Alt
Autopilot engaged on ground Autopilot engaged discreet, elapsed To identify inappropriate use of
(postfl ight or preflight) t ime, ground switch (similar), tota l autopilot when on ground. Elapsed
Tq, Rad Alt time required to allow for
permis.sible short periods.
Excessive pitdl attitude with Pitch attitude, autopilot discreet, To identify potentia I for low NR
autopilot engaged on ground ground switdl (sim ilar), Lat & Long when helicopter pitches on floating
(offshore) helideck.
Airspeed hold engaged - airspeed Autopilot modes discreet, IAS, To detect ear1y engagement of
(departure or non-departure) (ground switch (similar), total Tq, autopilot higher modes. Ground
Rad Alt) switch (similar), total Tq and Rad
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20th November 2021 508 of 856