Page 507 - UK Air Operations Regulations 201121
P. 507

~         Regulation SPA - ANNEX V - Specific Approval Operations                                            n trik

                                                Downwind  f1 ight  within  60 sec  of  IAS, GS, elapsed t ime   To  detect  early  downwind  tum
                                                take-off                            after tak.e-off.
                                                Downwind  f1 ight  within  60 sec  of  IAS, GS, elapsed time   To detect late turn to final shortly
                                                landing                             before landing.
                                                                       Flight - Height
                                                Altitude - m ax   Pait              To  detect  fl ight  outside  of  the
                                                                                    published flight envelope.
                                                Cl imb rate - max   Vertical speed (V/SJ, or Pait, or Rad   Identificat ion of excessive rates of
                                                                  Alt, Elapsed time   climb  (Roq  can  be  determined
                                                                                    from an  indica·tion/rate  of change
                                                                                    of Pa t or Rad Alt.
                                                High rate of descent   V/S          To  identify  excessF\Je  rates  of
                                                                                    descent (RoD).
                                                High  rate  of  descent  jspeed  or  V /S, IAS or Rad Alt or elevation   To identify RoD at  low level or low
                                                height limit)                       speed.
                                                Sett I ng with power (vortex ring)   V /S, IAS, GS, T q   To detect high-power settling with
                                                                                    low speed and with excessive rate
                                                                                    of Oescent.
                                                Minimum altitude in auto rotat ion   NR, total Tq, Rad Alt   To  detect  late  recovery  from
                                                                                    a utorotat ion.
                                                Low cruising (inenial systems)   GS, V /S, elevation, Lat & Long   To  detect  an  extended  low-level
                                                                                    flight.  Ground  speed  is  less
                                                                                    accurate  with  more  false  alarms.
                                                                                    Lat  & Long  used  for geographical
                                                Low cruising (integrated systems)   Rad Alt, elapsed time, Lat &  Long,  To  detect  an  extended  low-level
                                                                  ground switch (similar)   flight.
                                                                   Flight - Attitude and controls
                                                Excessive  pitch  (height  related  -  Pitch  attitude,  Rad  Alt  elevation,  To  identify  iM ppropriate  use  of
                                                turnover (T/O), cru ising or landing)  Lat & Long   excessive  pitch  attitude  during
                                                                                    flight.  Height  limits may be  used
                                                                                    (i.e.  on  take-off  and  landing  or
                                                                                    < 500 ft) - Lat & Long required for
                                                                                    specific-location-related   limits.
                                                                                    Elevation   less   accurate  tllan
                                                                                    Rad Alt.  Elevation  can  be  used  to
                                                                                    identify  the  landing  phase  in  a
                                                                                    specific locat ion.
                                                Excessive  pitch  (speed  related  -  Pitch attitude, IAS, GS, Lat & Long   To  identify  inappropriate  use  of
                                                T /0, cruising or landing)          excessive  pitch  attitude  during
                                                                                    flight.  Speed  limits  may  be  used
                                                                                    (i.e.  on take-off and  landing  or  in
                                                                                    cru ising) - Lat & l ong required for
                                                                                    specific-location-related  limits. GS
                                                                                    less accurate than IAS.
                                                E xcessive pitch rate   Pitch  rate,  Rad  Alt,  IAS,  ground  To  identify  iMppropriate  use  of
                                                                  switch (similar), Lat & Long   excessive  rate  of  pitdl  change
                                                                                    duri ng flight . Height  limits may be
                                                                                    used (i.e. on take-off and  landing).
                                                                                    IAS only for IAS limit, ground switch
                                                                                    (similar)  and  Lat  & Long  required
                                                                                    for specific-location-related limJt:s.
                                                Excessrve roll/bank attitude (speed  Roll attirude, Rad Alt, IAS/GS   To  identify  excessive  use  of  roll
                                                or height related)                  attitude. Rad  Alt may be  used  for
                                                                                    height lim its, IAS/GS may  be used
                                                                                    for speed I m its.
                                                Excessive roll rate   Roll  rate,  Rad  Alt,  Lat  &  Long,  Rad  Alt  may  be  used  for  height
                                                                  Ground switdl (similar)   limits,  Lat  &  Long  and  ground
                                                                                    switch   (sim ilar)  required   for
                                                                                    specific-location-related   and
                                                                                    air/ground limits.
                                                Excessive yaw rate   Yaw rate       To  detect e}(cessive yaw  rates  in
                                                Excessive lateral cyclic control   Lateral  cyclic  position,  ground  To detect movement of the lateral
                                                                  switch (similar)   cyclic  control  to  e:xtreme  left  or
                                                                                    right  positions.  Ground  switch
                                                                                    (similar)  required  for  pre or  post
                                                Exce5sive longitudinal cydic control  Longitudinal cyclic position, ground  To  detect  movement  of  t he
                                                                  switch (similar)   I ongitudinal   cydic  control  to
                                                                                    extreme  forward or aft positions.
                                                                                    Ground switch (similar) required for
                                                                                    pre or post T /0.
                                                Excessive col lective pitch control   Collective position, ground  switch  To  detect  exceeda nces  of  the
                                                                  (similar)         aircraft   fiight   manual  (AFM)
                                                                                    collective pitch limit. Ground switdl
                                                                                    (similar)  required  for  pre  or  post
                                                                                    T/ O.
                                                Excessive tail rotor control   Pedal  position,  ground  switch  To  detect  movement  of  the  tail
                                                                  (similar)         rotor  pedals to  extreme  I eft  and
                                                                                    right  positions.  Ground  switch
                                                                                    (similar)  required  for  pre or  post
                                                Manoeuvre G oading or turbulence  Lat  & Long, normal accelerations,  To identify excessive  G loading of
                                                                  i,-rounrl ,;;wit rt, l 11;;im ilarl o r lh1rt  Alt   thP  rotn.- <Ii,;;,.- hnth  nn,;;;itivP  .r1nci
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