Page 644 - UK Air Operations Regulations 201121
P. 644
~ Regulation NCC - ANNEX VI - Non-Commercial Complex Operations n trik
34 Altitude rate (vertical speed) - only necessary when available from cockpit instruments
35 Ice detection
36 Helkopter hea Ith and usage moo itor system (HUMS):
36a Engine data
36b Chip detector
36c Track timing
36d Exceed a oce d iscretes
36e Broadband average engine vibration
38 Selected barometric setting - to be recorded for helicopters where the parameter is
displayed elearonical ly:
38a Pilot
38b Co-pilot
39 Selected altitude (all pilot set ectabl e modes of operation) - to be recorded for the helicopters
'Nhere the parameter is displaved electronica lly.
40 Selected speed (all pilot selectable modes of operation) - to be recorded for the helicopters
'Nhere the parameter is displayed electronically.
41 Selected Mach (al l pilot selectable modes of operation) - to be recorded for the helicopters
'Nhere the parameter is displayed electronica lly.
42 Selected vertical speed (all pilot selectable modes of operation) - to be recorded for the
helicopters w here the parameter is displ ayed electronically.
43 Selected heading (all pilot selectable modes of operation) - to be recorded for the
helicopters where the parameter is displayed electronically.
44 Selected fligt,t path (all pilot selectable modes of operation) - to be recorded for the
helicopters where the parameter is displayed electronically_
45 Selected decisioo height (all pilot selectable modes of operation) - to be recorded for the
helicopters where the parameter is displayed electronically_
46 EFIS displ ay format (showing the display 5'/stem status):
46a Pilot
46b First officer
47 Mulb-function/engine/alerts display fonnat (showing the display system status)
48 Event marker
49 Status of ground proximity warn ing system (GPWS)/terrain awareness warning system
(TAWS)/ground collision avoidance system IGCAS):
49a Selection of terrain display mode including pop-up display status - fOf helicopters type
certified before 1 January 2023, to be recorded only if this does not require extensive
49b Terrain alerts, both cautions and warnings, and advisories - for helicopters type certified
before 1 January 2023, to be recorded only if th is does not requi re extensive mOOif1cation
49c On/ otf switch position - for helicopters type certified before 1 January 2023, to be recorded
onty if this does not requ ire extensive modification
50 Traffic alert and collision avoida oce system (TCAS)/a irbome coll ision avoidance system (ACAS):
so, Combined control - for helicopters type certrried before 1 January 2023, to be recorded only
if this does not require extensive modification.
50b Vertical control - for helicopters type certified before 1 January 2023, to be recorded only if
this does not require extensive modification.
50c Up advisory - for helicopters type certified before 1 January 202.3, to be recorded onty if this
does oot require extensive modificat ion.
50d Down advisory - for helicopters type certified before 1 January 2023, to be recorded onty if
this does not requ ire extensive modification.
50e Sensithlrty level - for helicopters.type certified before 1 January 2023, to be recorded only if
this does not requ ire extensive modification.
51 Primary flight controls - pilot input forces:
51a Collective pitch - for helicopters type cenrfied before 1 January 2023, to be recorded only rf
this does not require extensive modification
51b Longrt:udina I cycl ic pitc11 - for helicopters type certified before 1 Jaf'\uarv 2023, to be recorded
onty if this does not requ ire extensive modif1eation..
51c Lateral cydic pitch - tor helicopters type certified before 1 January 2023, to be recorded only
if this does not require extef'\sive modification.
51d Tail rotor pedal - for helicopters type certified before 1 January 2023, to be recorded onty if
this does not require extensive modification.
52 Computed centre of gravity - for helicopters type certified before 1 January 2023, to be
recorded only if this does not require enensive modification.
53 Helicopter computed weight - for helicopters type certified before 1 January 2023, to be
recorded only if this does not require extemive modification.
The number in the left-hand column reflects t he serial numbers depicted in EUROCAE Documef'\t
NCC.IDE.H.170 Data link recording
(a) Helicopters first issued with an individual CofA on or after 1 January 2016 that have the
capability to operate data link communications and are required to be equipped with a
CVR shall record on a recorder, where applicable:
(1) data link communication messages related to ATS communications to and from the
helicopter, including messages applying to the following applications:
(i) data link initiation;
20th November 2021 644 of 856