Page 645 - UK Air Operations Regulations 201121
P. 645

~         Regulation NCC - ANNEX VI - Non-Commercial Complex Operations                                      n trik

                                                   (ii)  controller-pilot communication;
                                                  (iii)  addressed surveillance;
                                                  (iv) flight information;
                                                  (v)  as far as is practicable, given the architecture of the system, aircraft
                                                      broadcast surveillance;
                                                  (vi) as far as is practicable, given the architecture of the system, aircraft
                                                      operational control data; and
                                                  (vii)  as far as is practicable, given the architecture of the system, graphics;
                                              (2) information that enables correlation to any associated records related to data link
                                                  communications and stored separately from the helicopter; and
                                              (3) information on the time and priority of data link communications messages, taking
                                                  into account the system’s architecture.
                                          (b)  The recorder shall use a digital method of recording and storing data and information and
                                              a method for readily retrieving that data. The recording method shall allow the data to
                                              match the data recorded on the ground.
                                          (c)  The recorder shall be capable of retaining data recorded for at least the same duration as
                                              set out for CVRs in NCC.IDE.H.160.
                                          (d)  If the recorder is not deployable, it shall have a device to assist in locating it under water.
                                              By 1 January 2020 at the latest, this device shall have a minimum underwater
                                              transmission time of 90 days. If the recorder is deployable, it shall have an automatic
                                              emergency locator transmitter.
                                          (e)  The requirements applicable to the start and stop logic of the recorder are the same as
                                              the requirements applicable to the start and stop logic of the CVR contained in
                                              NCC.IDE.H.160(d) and (e).
             NCC.IDE.H.170 AMC1      Data link recording
                                          (a)  As a means of compliance with NCC.IDE.H.170, the recorder on which the data link
                                              messages are recorded should be:
                                              (1) the CVR;
                                              (2) the FDR;
                                              (3) a combination recorder when NCC.IDE.H.175 is applicable; or
                                              (4) a dedicated flight recorder. In such a case, the operational performance
                                                  requirements for this recorder should be those laid down in EUROCAE Document
                                                  ED-112 (Minimum Operational Performance Specification for Crash Protected
                                                  Airborne Recorder Systems), dated March 2003, including amendments n°1 and n
                                                  °2, or any later equivalent standard produced by EUROCAE.
                                          (b)  As a means of compliance with NCC.IDE.H.170 (a)(2), the operator should enable
                                              correlation by providing information that allows an accident investigator to understand
                                              what data was provided to the aircraft and, when the provider identification is contained in
                                              the message, by which provider.
                                          (c)  The timing information associated with the data link communications messages required
                                              to be recorded by NCC.IDE.H.170(a)(3) should be capable of being determined from the
                                              airborne-based recordings. This timing information should include at least the following:
                                              (1) the time each message was generated;
                                              (2) the time any message was available to be displayed by the flight crew;
                                              (3) the time each message was actually displayed or recalled from a queue; and
                                              (4) the time of each status change.
                                          (d)  The message priority should be recorded when it is defined by the protocol of the data link
                                              communication message being recorded.
                                          (e)  The expression ‘taking into account the system’s architecture’, in NCC.IDE.H.170 (a)(3),
                                              means that the recording of the specified information may be omitted if the existing
                                              source systems involved would require a major upgrade. The following should be
                                              (1) the extent of the modification required;
                                              (2) the down-time period; and
                                              (3) equipment software development.
                                           (f) Data link communications messages that support the applications in Table 1 should be
                                          (g)  Further details on the recording requirements can be found in the recording requirement
                                              matrix in Appendix D.2 of EUROCAE Document ED-93 (Minimum Aviation System
                                              Performance Specification for CNS/ATM Recorder Systems), dated November 1998.
                                                   Table 1 : Dat a link recording
                                                   It em   Application Typ•   Application Description   Required
                                                   No                                     Record ing
                                                   1   Data link init iation  Th is includes any application used to log on to, or  C
                                                                 initiate, a data link service. In future air navigation
                                                                 syst•m ( FANS)-1/ A and air traffic navigatioo (A TN),
                                                                 these  are  ATS  facilities  notification  (AFN)  aad
                                                                 context management (CM), respectively.
                                                   2   Controller/pilot   This  indudes  any  application  used  to  exchange  C
                                                       communication   requests,  dea rance.s,  instructions  aad  reports
                                                                 between  the  fl ight  crew  and controllers  on  the
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