Page 647 - UK Air Operations Regulations 201121
P. 647
~ Regulation NCC - ANNEX VI - Non-Commercial Complex Operations n trik
11 Graphics Weather maps & Gra phics exchanged in the fra mework of
other graph ics procedures within the operatiollal control, as
specified in Part-ORO.
Information that enables correl ation with any
associated records stored separately from the
12 AOC Aerona utk:al Messages exchanged in the framework of
operational procedures within the operational control, as
control specified in Part-ORO.
Information that enables correlation with any
associated records stored separately from the
helicopter. Definition in EUROCAE ED-112, dated
March 2003.
13 Surveillance Downlinked As defined in ICAO Annex 10 Volume IV
Aircraft (Su rveillance systems and ACAS).
AAC aeronautical ad ministrative communications
ADS-8 automatic dependent surveillance- broadcast
ADS-C automatic dependent surveillance - contract
AFN aircraft flight notification
AOC aeronautical operationa I control
ATIS automatic t.enninal information service
ATSC air traffic service communication
CAP controller access parameters
CPDLC controller pilot data link communications
CM configuration/context management
D-A ns digital Ans
0-flS data link flight information service
0-METARdata link meteorological airpon report
DCL departure clearance
FANS Furure Air Navigation $,/stem
FUPCY fl ight plan consistency
OCL oceanic clearance
SAP system access pa rameters.
TWIP termina l weather informatKln for pilots
NCC.IDE.H.170(a) GM1 Data link recording
(a) If it is certain that the helicopter cannot use data link communication messages for ATS
communications corresponding to any application designated by NCC.IDE.H.170(1), then
the data link recording requirement does not apply.
(b) Examples where the helicopter cannot use data link communication messages for ATS
communications include but are not limited to the cases where:
(1) the helicopter data link communication capability is disabled permanently and in a
way that it cannot be enabled again during the flight;
(2) data link communications are not used to support air traffic service (ATS) in the
area of operation of the helicopter; and
(3) the helicopter data link communication equipment cannot communicate with the
equipment used by ATS in the area of operation of the helicopter.
NCC.IDE.H.175 Flight data and cockpit voice combination recorder
Compliance with CVR and FDR requirements may be achieved by one flight data and cockpit voice
combination recorder.
NCC.IDE.H.175 GM1 Flight data and cockpit voice combination recorder
(a) A flight data and cockpit voice combination recorder is a flight recorder that records:
(1) all voice communications and the aural environment required by NCC.IDE.H.160;
(2) all parameters required by NCC.IDE.H.165,
with the same specifications required by NCC.IDE.H.160 and NCC.IDE.H.165.
(b) In addition, a flight data and cockpit voice combination recorder may record data link
communication messages and related information required by the NCC.IDE.H.170.
NCC.IDE.H.180 Seats, seat safety belts, restraint systems and child restraint devices
(a) Helicopters shall be equipped with:
(1) a seat or berth for each person on board who is aged 24 months or more;
(2) a seat belt on each passenger seat and restraining belts for each berth;
(3) for helicopters first issued with an individual CofA after 31 December 2012, a seat
belt with an upper torso restraint system for each passenger who is aged 24
months or more;
(4) a child restraint device (CRD) for each person on board younger than 24 months;
(5) a seat belt with upper torso restraint system incorporating a device that will
automatically restrain the occupant’s torso in the event of rapid deceleration on
each flight crew seat; and
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