Page 280 - UK Aircrew Regulations (Consolidated) 201121
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Part FCL ANNEX I - Flight Crew Licencing

                                             (14) any additional topics proposed by the competent authority.
                                          (b) For the refresher training for renewal of the TRI and SFI certificates:
                                              (1)  the ATO should determine on a case-by-case basis the amount of refresher training
                                                 needed, through an assessment of the candidate, taking into account the following
                                                  (i)  the experience of the applicant;
                                                  (ii)  the amount of time elapsed since the expiry of the TRI or SFI certificate; and
                                                 (iii)  the technical elements of the TRI or SFI training course, as determined by the
                                                     assessment of the candidate by the ATO;
                                              (2)  the ATO should also consider the elements defined in point (a) above to determine
                                                 the refresher training needed; and
                                              (3)  once the ATO has determined the needs of the applicant, it should develop an
                                                 individual training programme that should be based on the content of the TRI or SFI
                                                 training course and focus on the aspects where the applicant has the greatest
                                          (c) After successful completion of the seminar or refresher training, as applicable, the ATO
                                              (1)  in case of a seminar, in accordance with point (a), issue the applicant with a seminar
                                                 completion certificate or another document specified by the competent authority,
                                                 which describes the content of the seminar as in point (a), as well as a statement
                                                 that the seminar was successfully completed; and
                                              (2)  in case of refresher training, in accordance with point (b), issue the applicant with a
                                                 training completion certificate or another document specified by the competent
                                                 authority, which describes the evaluation of the factors listed in point (b)(1) and the
                                                 training received, as well as a statement that the training was successfully
                                                 completed; the training completion certificate should be presented to the examiner
                                                 prior to the assessment of competence.
                                          (d) Upon successful completion of the seminar or refresher training, as applicable, the ATO
                                             should submit the seminar or training completion certificate, or the other document
                                             specified by the competent authority, to the competent authority.
             FCL.945                 Obligations for instructors
                                     Upon completion of the training flight for the revalidation of an SEP or TMG class rating in accordance
                                     with FCL.740.A (b)(1) and only in the event of fulfilment of all the other revalidation criteria required by
                                     FCL.740.A (b)(1) the instructor shall endorse the applicant's licence with the new expiry date of the
                                     rating or certificate, if specifically authorised for that purpose by the CAA.

                                                   SUBPART K EXAMINERS
                     Reference       Description
             FCL.1000                Examiner certificates
                                          (a)  General Holders of an examiner certificate shall:
                                              (1) hold, unless otherwise determined in this Annex, an equivalent licence, rating or
                                                 certificate to the ones for which they are authorised to conduct skill tests, proficiency
                                                 checks or assessments of competence and the privilege to instruct for them;
                                              (2) be qualified to act as PIC in the aircraft during a skill test, proficiency check or
                                                 assessment of competence if conducted on the aircraft.
                                          (b)  Special conditions:
                                              (1) The CAA may issue a specific certificate granting privileges for the conduct of skill
                                                 tests, proficiency checks and assessments of competence if compliance with the
                                                 requirements established in this Subpart is not possible because of the introduction
                                                 of any of the following:
                                                  (i) new aircraft in the United Kingdom or in an operator’s fleet;
                                                  (ii)  new training courses in this Annex.
                                                 Such a certificate shall be limited to the skill tests, proficiency checks and
                                                 assessments of competence necessary for the introduction of the new type of
                                                 aircraft or the new training course and its validity shall not, in any case, exceed 1
                                              (2) Holders of a certificate issued in accordance with point (b)(1) who wish to apply for
                                                 an examiner certificate shall comply with the prerequisites and revalidation
                                                 requirements for that category of examiner certificate.
                                              (3) Where no qualified examiner is available, the CAA may, on a case-by -case basis,
                                                 authorise inspectors or examiners who do not meet the relevant instructor, type or
                                                 class rating requirements as specified in (a), to perform skill tests, proficiency
                                                 checks and assessments of competence.
                                          (c)  Examination provided outside the territory of the United Kingdom:
                                              (1) By way of derogation from point (a), in the case of skill tests and proficiency checks
                                                 provided outside the territory for which United Kingdom are responsible under the
                                                 Chicago Convention, the CAA shall issue an examiner certificate to applicants
                                                 holding a pilot licence that is compliant with Annex 1 to the Chicago Convention,
                                                 provided that those applicants:
                                                  (i) hold at least an equivalent licence, rating, or certificate to the one for which
                                                     they are authorised to conduct skill tests, proficiency checks or assessments
                                                     of competence, and in any case at least a CPL;
                                                  (ii)  are qualified to act as PIC in the aircraft during a skill test or proficiency check
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