Page 281 - UK Aircrew Regulations (Consolidated) 201121
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Part FCL ANNEX I - Flight Crew Licencing

                                                     that is conducted in the aircraft;
                                                  (iii) comply with the requirements established in this Subpart for the issue of the
                                                     relevant examiner certificate; and
                                                  (iv) demonstrate to the CAA an adequate level of knowledge of United Kingdom
                                                     aviation safety rules to be able to exercise examiner privileges in accordance
                                                     with this Annex.
                                              (2) The certificate referred to in point (1) shall be limited to performing skill tests and
                                                 proficiency checks:
                                                  (i) outside the territories for which the United Kingdom are responsible under the
                                                     Chicago Convention; and
                                                  (ii)  to pilots who have sufficient knowledge of the language in which the
                                                     test/check is given.
             FCL.1000 GM1            Examiner certificates
                                      SPECIAL CONDITIONS
                                      When new aircraft are introduced, requirements such as to hold a licence and rating equivalent to the
                                      one for which the skill test is being conducted, or to have adequate flight experience, may not be
                                      possible to comply with. In this case, to allow for the first ratings for these aircraft to be issued to
                                      applicants, competent authorities need the possibility to issue a specific certificate that does not have
                                      to comply with the requirements established in this Subpart.
                                      The competent authority should only give these certificates to holders of other examiner certificates.
                                      As far as possible, preference should be given to persons with experience in similar types or classes
                                      of aircraft, for example, in aircraft having the same kind and number of engines or rotors and of the
                                      same order of mass or technology.
                                      The certificate should be limited in validity to the time needed to qualify the first examiners for the new
                                      aircraft in accordance with this Subpart, but in any case, it should not exceed the 1 years established
                                      in the rule.
             FCL.1000 GM2            Examiner certificates
                                      When examiners conduct a skill test, proficiency check or assessment of competence, in addition to
                                      a licence for the relevant aircraft category, they are required to hold the rating or certificate equivalent
                                      to the one for which they conduct the skill test, proficiency check or assessment of competence.
                                      For example, a candidate who holds a CPL(A) may make a class rating proficiency check on an SE
                                      piston aeroplane with an examiner who holds a PPL(A) with an SE piston class rating and related
                                      examiner privileges.
             FCL.1005                Limitation of privileges in case of vested interests
                                      Examiners shall not conduct:
                                          (a)  skill tests or assessments of competence of applicants for the issue of a licence, rating or
                                             certificate to whom they have provided more than 25 % of the required flight instruction for
                                             the licence, rating or certificate for which the skill test or assessment of competence is
                                             being taken; and
                                          (b)  skill tests, proficiency checks or assessments of competence whenever they feel that
                                             their objectivity may be affected.
             FCL.1005(b) GM1         Limitation of privileges in case of vested interests
                                      Examples of a situation where the examiner should consider if their objectivity is affected are when the
                                      applicant is a relative or a friend of the examiner, or when they are linked by economic interests or
                                      political affiliations, etc.
             FCL.1005.CRE            CRE - Privileges
                                      The privileges of a CRE are to conduct, for single-pilot aeroplanes, except for single-pilot high
                                      performance complex aeroplanes:
                                          (a)  skill tests for the issue of class and type ratings;
                                          (b)  proficiency checks for:
                                              (1) revalidation or renewal of class and type ratings;
                                              (2) revalidation of IRs, provided that they have completed at least 1500 hours as pilots
                                                 of aeroplanes and have competed at least 450 hours of flight time under IFR;
                                              (3) renewal of IRs, provided that they comply with the requirements laid down in point
                                                 FCL.1010.IRE(a); and
                                              (4) revalidation and renewal of EIRs, provided that they have completed at least 1 500
                                                 hours as a pilot on aeroplanes and comply with the requirements laid down in point
                                                  (i) 1 500 hours of flight time as a pilot of aeroplanes; and
                                                  (ii)  450 hours of flight time under IFR; and
                                          (c)  skill tests for the extension of LAPL(A) privileges to another class or variant of aeroplane.
                                      Centrik Regulations Team note: This item was due to be amended by CIR (EU) 2020/359 however, the
                                      applicability date for the changes fell after the EU exit date. Therefore, the amendments did not enter
                                      into UK Law and were not applied to this item.
             FCL.1005.FE             FE - Privileges and conditions
                                          (a)  FE(A). The privileges of an FE for aeroplanes are to conduct:
                                              (1) skill tests for the issue of the PPL(A) and skill tests and proficiency checks for
                                                 associated single-pilot class and type ratings, except for single-pilot high
                                                 performance complex aeroplanes, provided that the examiner has completed at
                                                 least 1 000 hours of flight time as a pilot on aeroplanes or TMGs, including at least
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