Page 285 - UK Aircrew Regulations (Consolidated) 201121
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Part FCL ANNEX I - Flight Crew Licencing
(4) in the case of single-pilot multi-engine helicopters:
(i) have completed 1 000 hours of flight as pilot on helicopters, of which at least
500 hours shall be as PIC;
(ii) hold a CPL(H) or ATPL(H) and, when applicable, a valid IR(H);
(5) in the case of single-pilot single-engine helicopters:
(i) have completed 750 hours of flight as a pilot on helicopters, of which at least
500 hours shall be as PIC;
(ii) hold a CPL(H) or ATPL(H).
(6) Before the privileges of a TRE(H) are extended from single-pilot multi-engine to
multi-pilot multi-engine privileges on the same type of helicopter, the holder shall
have at least 100 hours in multi-pilot operations on this type.
(7) In the case of applicants for the first multi-pilot multi-engine TRE certificate, the 1
500 hours of flight experience on multi-pilot helicopters required in (b)(3) may be
considered to have been met if they have completed the 500 hours of flight time as
PIC on a multi-pilot helicopter of the same type.
FCL.1015 Examiner standardisation
(a) An applicant for an examiner certificate shall undertake a standardisation course which is
provided by the CAA or which is provided by an ATO and approved by the CAA.
(b) The standardisation course shall consist of theoretical and practical instruction and shall
include, at least:
(1) the conduct of 2 skill tests, proficiency checks or assessments of competences for
the licences, ratings or certificates for which the applicant seeks the privilege to
conduct tests and checks;
(2) instruction on the applicable requirements in this part and the applicable air
operations requirements, the conduct of skill tests, proficiency checks and
assessments of competence, and their documentation and reporting;
(3) a briefing on the national administrative procedures, requirements for protection of
personal data, liability, accident insurance and fees;
FCL.1015 AMC1 Examiner standardisation
(a) The competent authority may provide the course itself or through an arrangement with an
ATO or, in the case of examiners for sailplanes and balloons, with a DTO. This
arrangement should clearly state that the ATO or the DTO is acting under the
management system of the competent authority.
(b) The course should last:
(1) for the FE and FIE, at least 1 day, divided into theoretical and practical training;
(2) for other examiners, at least 3 days, divided into theoretical training (1 day) and
practical training in an FFS conducting real or role-played proficiency checks, skill
tests or assessments of competence (at least 2 days).
(c) The competent authority, the ATO or the DTO should determine any further training
required before presenting the candidate for the examiner assessment of competence.
(d) The training should comprise:
(1) Theoretical training covering at least:
(i) the contents of AMC2 FCL.1015 and the FEM;
(ii) Part-FCL and related AMCs and GM relevant to their duties;
(iii) operational requirements and related AMCs and GM relevant to their duties;
(iv) national requirements relevant to their examination duties;
(v) fundamentals of human performance and limitations relevant to flight
(vi) fundamentals of evaluation relevant to applicant's performance;
(vii) the management system of ATOs and the organisational structure of DTOs;
(viii) MCC, human performance and limitations, if applicable.
(2) Examiners should also be briefed on the protection requirements for personal data,
liability, accident insurance and fees, as applicable in the member state concerned.
(3) All items above are the core knowledge requirements for an examiner and are
recommended as the core course material. This core course may be studied before
recommended examiner training is commenced. The core course may utilise any
suitable training format.
(4) Practical training consisting of at least:
(i) knowledge and management of the test for which the certificate is to be
sought. These are described in the relevant modules in the FEM;
(ii) knowledge of the administrative procedures pertaining to that test or check.
(5) For an initial examiner certificate, practical training should include the examination of
the test profile sought, consisting of the conduct of at least two test or check profiles
in the role of examiner (these two tests or checks profiles can be performed in the
same simulator session), including briefing, conduct of the skill test and proficiency
check, assessment of the applicant to whom the test or check is given, debriefing
and recording or documentation under the supervision of an examiner of the
appropriate category on the applicable type. This training is conducted in the aircraft
if approval for testing or checking in the aircraft is required. If examiner privileges in
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