Page 152 - English Vocabulary in use Elementary (3rd edition)
P. 152

45.3   2  a doctor                       6  a taxi / a bus / a train
                        3  a drink                        7  a job
                        4  a pen / pencil and paper       8  an umbrella / a raincoat
                        5  a newspaper
                 45.4   2  gets to     3  get to     4  gets (back)     5  get back / home

                 45.5   Possible answers:
                        1  In Britain, people usually get married when they are 20 to 30 years old.
                        2  People usually get married at the weekend, mostly on Saturday. April, May and June are very
                          popular months (spring and summer).
                        3  I get home at about 5 o’clock. I get there by car.

                        Unit 46
                 46.1   2  d    3  g    4  f    5  b    6  h    7  e    8  a
                 46.2   2  off    3  on; up    4  off    5  off    6  off    7  on    8  on

                 46.3   2  He is putting on his shoes.      3  A plane is taking off.      4  She is turning on the oven.

                 46.4   2  took off     3  went on     4  went off     5  turned down

                        Unit 47
                 47.1   2  She washes (the / her) clothes every Saturday.  4  He watches TV / television every evening.
                        3  He cleans the house / his flat every weekend.   5  She goes for a walk every Sunday.
                 47.2   Possible questions:

                        2  How often do you go for a walk?      6  How often do you phone your best friend?
                        3  How do you go to work?               7  When do you clean your room?
                        4  When do you have dinner?             8  What time do you have a shower?
                        5  How do you come home from work?
                 47.3   Possible answers:

                          1  I usually wake up at 7 o’clock.
                          2  I go to the bathroom and have a shower.
                          3  I usually have tea and toast for breakfast.
                          4  I go to work by car.
                          5  I usually have a cup of coffee at 11 o’clock.
                          6  I usually come home at about 6 pm.
                          7  I usually make dinner at 7 o’clock.
                          8  In the evenings I normally watch TV or go for a walk.
                          9  Sometimes I write one or two emails or listen to the radio.
                         10  I usually go to bed at 11 o’clock.

                        Unit 48
                 48.1   2  told     3  said     4  tell; said     5  said     6  told

                 48.2   2  How do you say ‘tree’ in German?
                        3  Excuse me, can you tell me the time?
                        4  I just want to say goodbye (to you).
                        5  Can you tell me when the exam is?
                        6  Can you answer the phone, please? / Can you tell them I’m busy / I’m cooking?

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