Page 148 - English Vocabulary in use Elementary (3rd edition)
P. 148

37.3   2  a traffic jam   6  the rush hour
                        3  crowded        7  hungry
                        4  a car crash    8  a forest fire
                        5  unemployed
                 37.4   Possible answers:

                        2  forest fire, traffic jam    4  hurricane, snowstorm, flood
                        3  strike, war          5  poor, hungry, homeless, unemployed
                 37.5   2  strike                  6  homeless
                        3  War                     7  rush hour
                        4  car crash               8  polluted
                        5  earthquakes; snowstorms

                        Unit 38
                 38.1   Possible answers:

                          2  lesson
                          3  football / tennis / squash / rugby / darts / chess / cards
                          4  party
                          5  shower / bath / wash
                          6  exam
                          7  meeting
                          8  coffee / cup of coffee / cup of tea / drink
                          9  swim
                         10  dinner / a meal / supper / something to eat
                 38.2   2  Scarlett has gone to the hairdresser’s to have her hair cut.
                        3  That computer game looks great. Can I have a go?
                        4  I want to have a word with my teacher after the lesson.
                        5  Mum didn’t have the time to go to the shop today.
                        6  They don’t have or they haven’t got any cake in the café today.

                 38.3    1 m  2  e  a  l

                         3         4
                         p   a  r   t  y
                             m      e
                                g   a  m  e
                 38.4   Possible answers:

                        2  Have a good journey! / Have a good time!
                        3  Have you got a cold?
                        4  Can I have a look?
                 38.5   Possible answers:
                        1  I’ve got one brother and two sisters.
                        2  I have them at 9.30 every day.
                        3  I have a salad and a cup of tea.
                        4  Not every day, but I have to go on Wednesday and Friday.
                        5  I’ve got two.
                        6  Yes, we always have a good time in our English classes.

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