Page 146 - English Vocabulary in use Elementary (3rd edition)
P. 146
33.3 2 India 4 No. They eat it with their main course (with roast beef).
3 curry 5 in the oven
33.4 2 a state secondary school 4 a state primary school
3 a nursery school 5 a private secondary school
33.5 Answers in 2016:
1 Theresa May 2 Houses of Parliament 3 Queen Elizabeth II
Unit 34
34.1 2 a murderer 5 a mugger
3 a shoplifter / robber 6 a drug dealer
4 a burglar
34.2 2 arrested 6 innocent
3 vandals 7 terrorists
4 fine 8 prison
5 burglaries / burglars
34.3 2 False – vandals destroy things 3 True 4 False – a car thief steals cars 5 True
34.4 2 stole 3 robbed 4 stolen 5 stole 6 stolen
Over to you
Possible answers:
2 The student should pay a fine and return the book.
3 The woman should go to prison.
4 The terrorists should go to prison for a long time.
5 The woman should pay a fine and the police should take her car away.
6 The teenager should work in the park and plant new trees or pay a fine.
Unit 35
35.1 2 is 6 online
3 documentary 7 change
4 nature 8 interview
5 teenage
35.2 2 e 3 b 4 a 5 d 6 c
35.3 2 a journalist 6 an advert / advertisement
3 an evening (news)paper 7 a (TV) channel
4 a cartoon 8 an interview
5 a nature programme
35.4 Possible answers:
1 I always read an evening newspaper.
2 Yes, I usually read the main stories in the morning.
3 I like news magazines.
4 I’ll probably watch my favourite soap on TV tonight.
5 My favourite TV channel is BBC1.
6 I watch about an hour of TV every day.
7 I like talk shows and reality TV.
8 I watch TV online once or twice a week.
9 No, I don’t like watching adverts on TV.
English Vocabulary in Use Elementary English Vocabulary in Use Elementary 145