Page 142 - English Vocabulary in use Elementary (3rd edition)
P. 142
25.4 Possible answers:
gardening 2
cooking 4
reading 5
using the Internet 5
watching DVDs 4
listening to music 5
doing nothing 1
chatting online 2
Unit 26
26.1 2 musician 3 musical 4 music 5 musical 6 musicians
26.2 2 Abigail plays the cello in an orchestra.
3 Noah loves playing the drums.
4 Emily is having a piano lesson.
5 Mason is a very good trumpet-player.
6 Ella plays the clarinet every evening.
7 William plays the guitar.
8 Emma is learning the flute. She will be a good flute-player one day.
9 Madison is a violinist.
10 Emily wants to be a pianist.
26.3 2 a 3 c 4 b 5 c
26.4 Possible answers:
1 I download music about once a month. 4 I would like to learn the piano.
2 I like the violin best. 5 I like classical music and pop music!
3 Yes, I play the violin and the guitar.
Unit 27
27.1 2 Brazil 5 Japan
3 Spain 6 Thailand
4 Morocco
27.2 2 Rome is the capital of Italy. 7 Berlin is the capital of Germany.
3 Canberra is the capital of Australia. 8 Warsaw is the capital of Poland.
4 Bogotá is the capital of Colombia. 9 Buenos Aires is the capital of Argentina.
5 Cairo is the capital of Egypt. 10 Madrid is the capital of Spain.
6 London is the capital of the UK.
27.3 2 In Mexico, Spain and Chile they speak Spanish but in Brazil they speak Portuguese.
3 In Austria, Germany and Switzerland they speak German but in Italy they speak Italian.
4 In Morocco, Egypt and Saudi Arabia they speak Arabic but in China they speak Chinese.
5 In Switzerland, Canada and France they speak French but in Scotland they speak English.
27.4 2 Thai 7 Peruvian
3 German 8 Chinese
4 Egyptian 9 Australian
5 Argentinian 10 Polish
6 Spanish
27.5 Check your answers with your teacher.
English Vocabulary in Use Elementary English Vocabulary in Use Elementary 141