Page 141 - English Vocabulary in use Elementary (3rd edition)
P. 141

Unit 24
             24.1    2  science fiction   5  cartoon      7  thriller
                     3  horror        6  romantic comedy   8  musical
                     4  action
             24.2    Possible answers:
                     2  romantic comedy – My Best Friend’s Wedding
                     3  thriller – Psycho
                     4  western – High Noon
                     5  musical – High School Musical
                     6  cartoon – Shrek
             24.3          T H   R   I L L E   R

                             H   O   R R O   R

                          C  O   M   E D   Y

                               A  C   T  I O   N

                      S   C I E   N C   E   F   I C T I O   N

                       W E S   T  E R   N

                        M  U S   I C   A   L

                               C A  R T   O O  N
             24.4    2  watched (some people say ‘saw a DVD’)
                     3  played
                     4  in
                     5  film stars
                     6  director
             24.5    Possible answers:
                     1  I like romantic comedies.
                     2  My favourite film star is Nicole Kidman.
                     3  I prefer going to the cinema.
                     4  The last film I saw was Jason Bourne.
                     5  You can look in the newspaper, go online or phone the cinema.

                     Unit 25
             25.1    2  He’s gardening.              5  She’s using the Internet. / She’s using the computer.
                     3  He’s reading a newspaper.    6  He’s listening to music.
                     4  He’s cooking.
             25.2    2  reading       5  have / invite     8  see / watch
                     3  talk          6  play              9  grows
                     4  have          7  download         10  watch
             25.3    Possible answers:
                     1  We talk, or we have a meal, or we listen to music, etc.
                     2  My best friend sometimes comes to stay. / My cousins sometimes come to stay, etc.
                     3  I like novels, and I read a newspaper every day.
                     4  I talk to them on the phone every day.
                     5  I don’t have a garden. I live in a flat.
                     6  I chat to my friends online once or twice a week.
                     7  I often download music or films from the Internet.
                     8  The Sims is my favourite computer game.
                     9  I use headphones when I want to listen to music on a train.
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