Page 144 - English Vocabulary in use Elementary (3rd edition)
P. 144
29.4 2 town hall 5 railway station 8 post office
3 library 6 pedestrian area 9 shops
4 car park 7 cash machine 10 bus stop
29.5 Possible answer:
Go left out of the tourist information office and take the first left. Then take the second left, which is
Market Street. The shopping centre is on the left.
29.6 Your own answers
Unit 30
30.1 2 forest 6 farm 10 fields
3 village 7 river 11 lake
4 hills 8 country road
5 wood 9 path
30.2 2 cottage 3 village 4 town
30.3 2 d 3 e 4 b 5 a
30.4 2 He loves nature.
3 She wants to live in the country.
4 They are interested in wildlife.
30.5 Possible answers:
2 There are no hills or mountains.
3 There’s a big lake and two small rivers.
4 There are a lot of villages and some small towns.
5 There are a lot of small farms and a few very big ones in the countryside.
6 There are some good paths for walking near where I live.
7 You can’t go skiing because there are no hills (and there’s usually no snow).
8 You can see a lot of beautiful wildlife.
Unit 31
31.1 Possible answers:
2 giraffe 7 Chickens / Hens
3 Parrots; hens 8 Rabbits
4 Tigers; lions 9 feed; give
5 horse; elephant 10 take
6 Fish; birds
31.2 sheep lamb lamb
cow beef calf
hen chicken chick
pig pork piglet
31.3 Possible answers:
1 Lions, tigers, monkeys, snakes, dogs and cats eat meat.
2 Cows, sheep, pigs, goats, parrots (for feathers) and snakes (for snakeskin) give us things that we
3 Chickens / hens, tortoises, parrots, snakes and fish produce their babies in eggs.
4 We can eat cows, sheep, pigs, chickens / hens, goats, horses and fish (and you may think of some
other animals that people eat too).
English Vocabulary in Use Elementary English Vocabulary in Use Elementary 143