Page 151 - English Vocabulary in use Elementary (3rd edition)
P. 151
Over to you
Possible meanings and example sentences:
1 Meaning: ‘come round’ can mean ‘come to someone’s house or flat’.
Example: Do you want to come round this afternoon for a coffee?
2 Meaning: ‘come across’ can mean ‘meet or find for the first time’.
Example: I come across lots of new words when I read English books.
3 Meaning: ‘come up’ can mean ‘be mentioned or occur in conversation’.
Example: When new words come up in class, the teacher tells us the meaning.
Unit 43
43.1 Possible answers:
1 It takes me 10 minutes to get to university.
2 It takes me 30 minutes to go from my house to the nearest railway station.
3 It takes me 20 minutes to get to my best friend’s house.
4 It takes me an hour to do one unit of this book.
43.2 2 take the train
3 take a course
4 take some water
43.3 2 You can / have to take a taxi.
3 He takes the bus.
4 They take the underground.
43.4 2 I take my / an umbrella. 4 I take my notebook and pen.
3 I take my passport. 5 I take my mobile (phone).
43.5 Possible answer:
It took me about an hour.
Unit 44
44.1 2 bring 3 bring 4 Take 5 take 6 bring
44.2 2 e You must take your passport when you travel.
3 b Come to my house and bring your guitar.
4 a Go to the post office and take these letters, please.
5 d Everybody is going to bring food to the party.
44.3 1 brings; brought 2 brought 3 take 4 take; bring
44.4 1 take; bring it back
2 brought me back
3 take; bring it back
44.5 Possible answer:
I always bring / take my vocabulary notebook, a pen and my coursebook to the lesson.
Unit 45
45.1 2 c sick 4 b dark
3 a hot 5 c wet
45.2 2 When the sun comes up it gets light. 4 It’s raining! I’m getting wet!
3 She’s in hospital but she’s getting better. 5 Please close the window. I’m getting cold.
150 English Vocabulary in Use Elementary English Vocabulary in Use Elementary