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Halloween Safety: Tips For Families 11
Halloween safety: Tips for a good idea if you have one. candle.
• Discuss in advance the route they should • Some children have food allergies. Consider
families follow. Ask them to call you if they plan to giving treats other than candy, such as
go on a street that isn’t on the route. stickers, erasers or a small toy.
• Set a curfew (and make sure they have a • Put out a teal-coloured pumpkin or a poster
Caring For Kids
watch with them). of one in your window to let children with
• Tell your children not to eat anything until food allergies know that what you're handing
Information for parents from they get home. out is allergen-free (e.g., not food).
Canada’s Paediatricians
For children and youth: Alternatives to traditional trick-or-
Halloween can be a fun and exciting time for treating
kids. These safety tips for parents, children and • Carry a white bag or pillowcase for your
homeowners will help keep everyone safe and candy, and add some reflective tape. • Local community centres sometimes offer
happy this Halloween. • Dress for the weather. Cold weather or Halloween night activities.
water absorbent materials in the rain can be • Local shopping centres often have trick-or-
For parents: very uncomfortable. treat nights for young children in a more
• Bring a cell phone if you can, in case you controlled environment.
• Do not use masks. Masks make it hard for need to make an emergency phone call. • Plan a Halloween night at home with themed
children to see what’s around them, • Always travel in groups. Be sure there are at games and movies. Invite friends. []
including cars. Try a hypoallergenic (less least 3 of you at all times.
likely to cause an allergic reaction), non- • Let your parents know where you’re going Halloween Jokes
toxic make-up kit instead. to be at all times.
• Make or buy costumes in light-coloured • Don’t visit houses that are not well lit. Q: Why do skeletons have low self-esteem?
material. Never go inside a stranger’s house. A: They have no body to love.
• Place strips of reflective tape on the back • Use the sidewalk whenever possible. If
and front of costumes, so that drivers can there’s no sidewalk, walk on the side of the Q: How do vampires get around on
better see your child. road facing traffic. Halloween?
• Costumes should fit properly to prevent • Don’t criss-cross back and forth across the A: On blood vessels.
trips and falls. Avoid items such as street. Work your way up one side of the
oversized shoes, high heels, long dresses street, and then start on the other. Q: Why did the ghost go into the bar?
and long capes. • If you have any allergies, tell the person A: For the Boos.
• Dress your child for the weather. Add layers who is giving out the treats.
if needed. • If you have allergies that need an EpiPen, Q: Why did the Vampire read The New York
• Put your child’s name, address and phone bring it with you and let your friends know Times?
number on their costume. what to do if you need it. A: He heard it had great circulation.
• Children under 10 should be accompanied • Don’t eat any of your treats before you get
by an adult for trick or treating. By the age home. Once home, ask your parents to look Q: Why do girl ghosts go on diets?
of 10, some children are ready to go trick- through your treats with you to make sure A: So they can keep their ghoulish figures.
or-treating with a group of friends. everything is okay.
• Keep in mind that gum and hard candy can Q: Where does a ghost go on vacation?
pose a choking risk for young children. For homeowners:
A: Mali-boo.
• Remove make-up before bedtime to prevent
possible skin and eye irritation. • Turn on outdoor lights, and replace burnt-
Q: The maker of this product does not want
out bulbs.
it, the buyer does not use it, and the user does
If your child is going out without an • Remove items from your yard or porch that not see it. What is it?
adult: might trip a child. A: A coffin.
• Sweep wet leaves from your steps and
• Make sure your child is in a group of at least driveway. Q: What do you call a witch’s garage?
• Use alternative to candles in your pumpkins,
3 people. A: A broom closet.
such as a flashlight or a battery-operated
• Give them a flashlight. A cell phone is also