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10 Holistic Cancer Foundation
Dr. Carl O Helvie
The Carl O Helvie Holistic Cancer Foundation differs from others
because we focus on:
A holistic approach
Multiple aspects of education, research, patient care and politics
Multiple cancer types
A holistic approach consists of combining physical, mental and spiritual
modalities as well as considering the environment, relationships and
politics because all of these elements influence health and wellness
(cancer and recovery) and may need to be assessed and included in any
treatment plan.
An important part of any cancer program is education for those who
have cancer or want to prevent it as well as lawmakers who influence
cancer programs and public access to these programs through the
decisions they make. Likewise, because we evolve in a dynamic
Meet Carl O Helvie, R.N., Dr.P.H., - Carl O Helvie, R.N.,
environment cancer causation changes over time and consequently
Dr.P.H. is a registered nurse with a doctorate in Public
ongoing research is needed to identify and find solutions to these
Health (Johns Hopkins) and over sixty years’ experience as
changing causes. In today’s world where harsh invasive drugs and
a nurse practitioner, educator, author and researcher. He has
procedures that often compromise the immune system have evolved as
published 8 books and chapters in 4 additional ones, and
published 40 articles, presented over 55 research papers the treatment of choice for most medical conditions including cancer,
internationally and 60 papers for lay groups. Some of his medical coverage is often denied those who wish to find treatment
books resulted from his development and over 35 years outside the conventional realm. These cancer patients are subsequently
refinement of the Helvie Energy Theory of Nursing and often required and frequently unable to pay for their treatment of choice.
Health that has been used internationally in practice, This gap provides a rationale for both funding patient care and
education and research by 9 countries. Read more about involvement in the political process to bring about necessary changes in
Carl O Helvie at and cancer care and funding. Please visit and donate today!