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8 Creepy Things To Know About Halloween 5

          8 Creepy Things To Know

              About The History Of


                   Continued from Page 4

          6. Spiders Symbolize Spirits

          I'm pretty scared of spiders.  And by "pretty
          scared" I mean terrified.  When I saw a giant
          wolf spider scurrying across the living room a
          few months ago it took every ounce of self
          control not to scream and wake up my
          roommate. According to Live Science, spiders
          can have two meanings on Halloween — one
          comforting and one scary.
                 "One superstition held that if a spider
          falls into a candle-lit lamp and is consumed by
          the flame, witches are nearby," Live Science
          reported. "And, if you spot a spider on
          Halloween, goes another superstition, it means  up a husband seems way more creepy than October for fear of them being used sacrificially.
          that the spirit of a deceased loved one is     hanging out with black cats. If none of these
          watching over you."                            things worked I suppose women who could not     Black Cats Can Help Your Love Life
                                                         manifest a Halloween husband — before they
          7. Witches Bring Wisdom                        became old maids in their late 20s — would      Forget the stereotypical depiction of the
                                                         spend the rest of their days surrounded by black
                                                                                                         perpetually single cat lady. In some parts of the
          Historically, in the United States, being a witch cats and being accused of witchcraft because
                                                                                                         world, it’s believed that black cats can actually
          has not been considered a good thing. Salem their husband-hunting spells didn't work. Can I
                                                                                                         improve your love life.
          Witch Trials, anyone? However, in Celtic times interest anyone in the definition of irony?            In Japan, for example, single women
          witches were an important part of Samhain.                                                     who own black cats are believed to attract more
          Witches stem from a pagan goddess known as        Pawsitively Fascinating                      suitors. In Great Britain’s English Midlands, a
          "the crone," according to Live Science. At some                                                black cat is the ideal wedding gift; they’re
          point old women, especially those who didn't      Facts About Black Cats                       believed to bring good luck and happiness to the
          marry, began to be feared and the term "witch"                                                 bride.
          took on a much more sinister connotation.
                                                         Whether you are a cat owner or not, we can all
                 "The crone was also known as 'the old
                                                         agree that no other domesticated cat has a rap Black Cats Can Bring You Luck
          one' and the 'Earth mother,' who symbolized
                                                         quite like black cats.
          wisdom, change, and the turning of the seasons,"       While black cats are typically associated  Not only can black cats better your love life, but
          Live Science noted. "Today, the kind, all-     with Halloween, witchcraft, and bad luck,       they can amp up your good luck and improve
          knowing old crone has morphed into the         there’s much more to these fur balls than the   your finances, too. Historically, sailors brought
          menacing, cackling witch."                     creepy stuff. Learn the history of black cats and  cats aboard ships to hunt mice—and,
                                                         how they became Halloween icons, where they     presumably, for companionship—but British
          8. Halloween = Husband Hunting                 are considered a symbol of good fortune, and    sailors believed a black cat would bring the ship
                                                         how their genes may, one day, help prevent      good luck and ensure a safe return home.
          In less-than progressive times, marrying women  certain diseases in humans.                           It was a little more complicated for
          off was a top priority, and women were expected                                                pirates, though.  They believed a black cat
          to help things along by participating in some  The Background of Black Cats and                walking toward you was bad luck, a black cat
          pretty strange traditions on Halloween to      Witches                                         walking away from you was good luck, and if a
          increase their chances of snagging themselves a                                                cat boarded the ship and then jumped off, the
                                                         Black cats are quintessential Halloween icons—  ship was going to sink.
                 "In      Scotland,      fortune-tellers
                                                         and the number one costume choice for both             For those of us not in a maritime
          recommended that an eligible young woman       elementary-aged children and women in their     profession, a black cat arriving at your doorstep
          name a hazelnut for each of her suitors and then
                                                         freshman year of college, oddly enough—but do   signals prosperity (a common belief in Scotland)
          toss the nuts into the fireplace,"
                                                         you know how they got such a spooky rap?        and a black cat crossing your path signals good
          noted. "The nut that burned to ashes rather than
                                                                 Beginning in the Middle Ages, black cats  luck (in England and Ireland).
          popping or exploding, the story went,
                                                         became associated with Satan, witches, and
          represented the girl’s future husband."
                                                         witchcraft; some people went so far as to believe Black Cats Can Resist Disease
                 Another story suggests that eating a
                                                         that black cats were cohorts to witches or even
          sugary bedtime snack made from nuts would
                                                         witches who had taken on another form.  This    Researchers at the National Institutes of Health
          increase a woman's chances of dreaming about
                                                         wide-spread superstition resulted in the horrific  discovered that the genetic mutations that cause
          her future husband. Other tales have women     mass killing of black cats—and sometimes even
          throwing apple peels over their shoulders in the                                               cats to have black coats may offer them some
                                                         their owners.                                   protection from diseases. In fact, the mutations
          hopes that the peels will land in a way that forms
                                                                 Aside from continuing to represent all  affect the same genes that offer HIV resistance
          the initials of their future mates.
                                                         things eerie, the fear of black cats still has some  to humans.
                 Still other women "tried to learn about
                                                         influence today. Many animal shelters won’t            Since cats can experience many of the
          their futures by peering at egg yolks floating in
                                                         place black cats in homes during the month of   same health issues as we do—cancer, HIV and
          a bowl of water; and stood in front of mirrors in
                                                                                                         Alzheimer’s, to name a few—they make perfect
          darkened rooms, holding candles and looking
                                                                           SimulTV                       models for studying human disease. By figuring
          over their shoulders for their husbands’ faces,"
                                                                     Is Now Available On                 out how cats have evolved to resist diseases,
          according to
                 Let's be honest, using spells to conjure                   ROKU                         researchers can, potentially, learn how to
                                                                   Vist -                prevent disease in humans as well.
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