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Halloween Trivia                                                                            9

                  Halloween Trivia

                   Continued from Page 8

          UNICEF's Trick-or-Treat  program
          was founded in 1950.
                 Philadelphia-based    trick-or-treaters
          traded in a sweet tooth for sweet action in 1950.
          In lieu of candy, residents collected change for
          children overseas and sent it to UNICEF.
          Subsequently, the  Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF
          program was born.

          Harry Houdini died on Halloween.
          A working magician from the age of 17, Harry
          Houdini (AKA Ehrich  Weisz) became
          America's favorite magician and a world-
          renown legend for his daring escapes. Many
          find it fitting, then, that this master trickster died
          on October 31, 1926 (from a ruptured

          The Trunk-or-Treating idea was born
          in 2000.
                 Due to safety concerns, trunk-or-treating
          was introduced in 2000 as an alternative to
          hitting the pavement for candy on Halloween
          night. Cars are parked in a circle at a school or
          church parking lot, with event-goers decorating
                                                          candy sales. More than twice as much chocolate  superheroes, batman, princesses, and animals,
          their open trunks and dressing in costume in
                                                          is sold, and 90 million pounds of chocolate flies  reports CNN. For adults, there were plenty of
          order to hand out sweets.
                                                          out the door during Halloween week alone. In   classic costumes — think witches and pirates —
                                                          total, $1.9 billion is spent on Halloween candy  at Halloween parties.
          Americans spend a lot of money on
                                                          each year.
          Halloween.                                                                                     People really like to dress up their
                 According to the National Retail         Charlie Brown created a piece of               pets.
          Federation, 64% of  Americans celebrated the
                                                          Halloween history.                                     In 2017, the most popular pet costumes
          holiday in 2015, and they spent an average of
                                                                 It was just tricks, no treats, for Charlie  were pumpkins, hot dogs, and a tie between a
          $74.34 per (adult) person on candy, costumes,
                                                          Brown in It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie       dog, lion, and pirate, CNN says. If you want
          and decor.
                                                          Brown. In the 1966 TV special, the iconic lead  your dog to stand out, these funny costumes will
                                                          character says, "I got a rock" while trick-or-  do the trick. And these adorable cat costumes
          Halloween is one of the most popular
                                                          treating. The phrase went on to become one of  make sure your feline doesn't feel left out.
          holidays for Hallmark.                          the most famous lines in Peanuts history.
                 Although the cards may be ghoulish, the                                                 People really like to dress up their
          sentiment is sweet: according to Hallmark,      You can thank California for                   pets.
          Halloween ranks as the sixth most popular card-  Halloween chocolate.                                  In 2017, the most popular pet costumes
          giving holiday, with 20 million cards sent each        Halloween candy wouldn't be the same    were pumpkins, hot dogs, and a tie between a
          year. Christmas comes in first place, with a
                                                          without California. Why? According to the U.S.  dog, lion, and pirate, CNN says. If you want
          whopping 1.5 billion cards sent each year.
                                                          Census Bureau, the Golden State leads the      your dog to stand out, these funny costumes will
                                                          nation   in   non-chocolate    confectionary   do the trick. And these adorable cat costumes
          Leftover candy lasts longer than you
                                                          production. Out of the 409 sites that          make sure your feline doesn't feel left out. []
          might think.                                    manufacture non-chocolate confections in the
                 Got leftover Halloween candy? Save it    U.S., California is home to 45 of them.
          for later! Dark and milk chocolates can last up
          to two years if stored in a dry, odor-free spot.  You may not be able to adopt a black
          Hard candy can last up to a year, and unopened
          packages of candy corn can last nine months.
                                                                 If you've always wanted to welcome a
                                                          black cat into your home, don't bother going to
          Illinois has banned teens from trick-
                                                          the shelter on Halloween – or maybe even the
          or-treating.                                    entire month of October. Many refuse to adopt
                 In 2010, Belleville, Illinois became the  these cats in the lead-up to the holiday, as
          latest city to ban trick-or-treating for kids over  they're worried the animals will be used in some
          12. Teens can even face fines ranging from $100  sort of sacrifice, reports The Huffington Post.
          to $1,000 for going door-to-door. (Although,    But it really depends on where you go: the
          according to officials, more often than not over-  ASPCA, for example, provides a list of black
          age Halloween-goers are just given a warning.)  cat adoption promotions that are actually tied to
                                                          the holiday.
          Halloween tops  Valentine's Day in
          candy sales.                                    Superheroes top the most popular list.
                 Valentine's Day is no longer the sweetest       Some of the most popular Halloween
          national holiday — at least when it come to     costumes for kids in 2017 included action and
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