Page 9 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - February 2023 Edition
P. 9

App For Reporting A UFO                                                                                      9

           Spotted a UFO? There’s                        transparently and in good faith by not                      THE ‘X’ ZONE
                                                         exploiting their data for financial gain or
                 an App for That                         making people feel disrespected. “I                BROADCAST NETWORK

                                                         believe that the overwhelming number of               Searching for Answers,
                 Continued from Page 8                   people who have seen a UFO have had an                 Demanding the Truth.

                                                         experience that they cannot explain,” she
                                                         says. “The UFO community deserves to              
        Government agencies have always been             be taken seriously.” []                               A REL-MAR McConnell Media Company
        interested in reports of UFOs for national
        security reasons, since sightings of flying
        saucers might actually be sightings of a              Taking care of your brain’s health now
        rival’s secret aircraft. (Or, if the craft was
        actually the nation’s own classified                    can help delay or prevent the onset of
        project, descriptions of the sighting might
        reveal how it appears to others.)                             cognitive dysfunction, including

                                                            dementia, Alzheimer’s, and more general
        Agencies within the US government have
        expressed renewed interest in UAPs over                          memory loss as you get older.

        the past several years.  The Pentagon
        released a report in June 2021 assessing
        144 incidents witnessed by military pilots
        dating back to 2004, only one of which
        investigators could thoroughly explain.
        Last May, the House of Representatives
        held a hearing on UAPs, at which
        government and defense officials spoke
        about the report and the national security

        and flight safety issues it raises. Last
        year, the Defense Department also
        formed a new organization, the  All-
        domain  Anomaly Resolution Office, to
        coordinate efforts to “detect, identify and
        attribute objects of interest” near military
        areas.  They’re already getting UFO

        And in October, NASA announced a
        nine-month independent study to figure

        out how data from government and
        commercial groups could be used to shed
        light on UAPs and what the agency could             Developed by science, BEAUTIFUL MIND COFFEE is the delicious
        do in the future to analyze data from               coffee your brain with love. Made with ethically sourced 100% Arabica
        sightings. (A NASA spokesperson                     coffee thar are roasted and ground in small batches to ensure each bag
        declined an interview, but said the agency          contains a wonderful full bodied artisan coffee.  BEAUTIFUL MIND
        will have an update on the study this               COFFEE contains herbal ingredients to aid in boosting your daily mental
                                                            clarity and focus. Maca root powder, decaffeinated green tea extract and
                                                            American ginseng have all been selected for their ability to support good
        Enigma Labs also isn’t the only private
                                                            brain health.
        UFO-related effort. The company To the
        Stars  Academy of  Arts & Science,                                  For More Information and to Order
        cofounded by Blink-182 guitarist  Tom                            BEAUTIFUL MIND COFFEE Visit:
        DeLonge, employs scientists and former
        government employees to bring UFO                 
        research—sometimes called ufology—
        into the mainstream.                                                                2667 West River Road,
                                                                                                  Clyde River,
                                                                                             Prince Edward Island,
        Dorsch says that no matter who is
                                                                                               Canada, C0A 1H3
        collecting the data, she hopes these
        groups      will    engage      with     users

         The ‘X’ Zone Broadcast Network is “Searching For Answers, Demanding the Truth”To Listen To All XZBN Shows, Past and Present Visit

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