Page 13 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - February 2023 Edition
P. 13
Blame It On The Aliens 13
Blame it on the Aliens! 10
Mysteries From the Nazca
Lines to Crop Circles
Continued from Page 12
7. Exploding televisions:
The Italian residents of Canneto di
Caronia, in Sicily were shocked when
appliances started exploding in 2014 -
particularly since the same thing had
happened just a few years earlier. It
wasn’t just televisions and kitchen
appliances, though. Mobile phones and
even cars reportedly combusted. Some
thought it might be arson but the mayor
blamed an unexplained 'electromagnetic
radiation'. The Civil Protection
Department made it clear they were not
taking the heat for problems with the
power lines. The Department’s interim
report, leaked to an Italian newspaper in
laborers built the pyramids as final
2007, blamed aliens, noting the fires were DEBUNKED: NASA Is A
resting places for Egyptian royalty. Musk
"caused by high-powered
does appear to have his head in the stars Lie.
electromagnetic emissions which were
sometimes. In 2018, Musk’s SpaceX
not man-made and reached a power of
Falcon Heavy rocket blasted off with a Some people actually believe NASA's
between 12 and 15 gigawatts".
dummy pilot named Starman with David whole function is not to explore space, but
to generate space-related hoaxes. (The
Bowie's Space Oddity playing in the
8. Stonehenge: Apollo moon landing is a famous example
Almost one million people have that we'll explore in the next slide.) People
explored Stonehenge - the mysterious, who believe this conspiracy, sometimes
10. Tabby's Star: flagged with the hashtag "#NASAhoax" on
5,000-year-old structure in Salisbury,
Boyajian's star (aka Tabby’s Star social media, will say that amazing space
England - since Cecil Chubb donated it to
and the WTF Star) discovered more than pictures of Mars, Pluto and even Earth are
the nation in 1918. Erich von Däniken’s
1,000 light-years away has frustrated fake, computer-generated imagery (CGI).
1968 book suggests Stonehenge was built
astronomers who can’t explain its
by visitors from other planets, and that In reality, NASA was formed in 1958 "to
dramatic and infrequent dimming. Are
alien astronauts offered to share their provide for research into problems of flight
those bouts of fading caused by alien
ancient technologies with civilization - within and outside the Earth's atmosphere,
megastructures or are they a result of
or, at least the aliens offered advice on and for other purposes," according to the
cosmic gas and dust, comet swarms or National Aeronautics and Space Act of
how to move the 50-ton stones. Reports
even black holes? This fading star may be 1958 (opens in new tab), which then-
of UFO sightings continuously pop up in
the first evidence of other cosmic life, but president Dwight D. Eisenhower signed
the headlines. Maybe Stonehenge was
astronomers are stumped. [] into law shortly after the start of the space
simply a burial ground or a memorial, but race against the Soviet Union.
nobody really knows. So it is possible the
rock formation also doubled as an early, Since then, NASA has launched hundreds
alien computer communicating with of satellites into orbit around Earth, the
other planets. moon and several other worlds. In fact,
NASA spacecraft have orbited, flown by or
landed on every planet in the solar system.
9. The Pyramids:
NASA also sends astronauts into orbit,
Elon Musk discovered the secret to where they conduct research at the
Egypt’s pyramids in 2020: 'Aliens built International Space Station (ISS).
the pyramids obv,' he Tweeted, adding
'Ramses II '. Egypt's chief Not convinced? Try watching a rocket
archaeologist, Zahi Hawass, who launch for yourself, or see the space station
suggested on Instagram that Musk might and other satellites with your own eyes with
the help of a satellite tracker.
be hallucinating, said 10,000 paid
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