Page 16 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - February 2023 Edition
P. 16

16                              UFO Mania Is Out Of Control

             UFO Mania Is Out of


                     Please Stop.

            Sorry to disappoint you, this
          science writer says, but there’s

                zero evidence of aliens.

               Continued from Page 15

        This UFO moment is strikingly
        reminiscent of how the UFO mythology
        began in 1947. On June 24 of that year, a
        pilot named Kenneth  Arnold reported
        seeing nine mysterious objects traveling
        near Mount Rainier at high speed. Arnold

        said the objects “flew like a saucer would
        if you skipped it across the water,” and
                                                         “The X-Files.” Now we’ve come full Or even by the aliens who are secretly
        the media took it from there, inventing
                                                         circle: Pilots are once again seeing things running everything.
        the concept of “flying saucers.” Soon the
                                                         they can’t understand. The difference is
        whole nation was quite obsessed. Not
                                                         this time there are videos.                      Science is often mistaken for a list of
        long afterward, a balloon-borne military
                                                                                                          things we know. It is really just a system,
        surveillance instrument crashed on a
                                                         The “republic of science” is engaged in a set of techniques and principles for
        ranch near Roswell, N.M., and even
                                                         the study of “observable natural investigating the world. It’s extremely
        though it looked nothing like a flying
                                                         phenomena.” I have lifted both phrases successful as a method of interrogating
        saucer or, for that matter, anything
                                                         from Richard Rhodes’s monumental the natural world. It revealed, among
        remotely extraterrestrial, the debris
                                                         book “The Making of the Atomic Bomb.” other things, that the universe is
        somehow spontaneously generated a
                                                         This is why science and science imponderably vast and marvelous.
        series of increasingly dramatic narratives,
                                                         journalism are not well equipped to fact-
        culminating in a sturdy hoax about
                                                         check religious beliefs. Religions Unfortunately, this system, although able
        recovered alien bodies and reverse-
                                                         typically involve events that are neither to penetrate the cosmic darkness, is less
        engineered alien aerospace technology.
                                                         natural nor necessarily observable on useful for detecting things conjectured to
                                                         demand. And that is where science runs be in some manner cloaked, or able to
        In those early days of ufology, the classic
                                                         into trouble with UFO reports.  The duck into a different dimension or
        story involved something in the skies
                                                         videos and photos are ambiguous to say parallel universe. Maybe the aliens
        seen by pilots or ordinary citizens.
                                                         the least. Eyewitness reports, even from traverse the universe in wormholes that
        Mysterious lights. Scientists would
                                                         credible witnesses, are not the same as are invisible to us. But how would you
        weigh in and say this was due to some
                                                         having a piece of an alien spaceship to know?
        kind of perceptual error. People were
                                                         scrutinize or, better yet, some alien DNA.
        fooled by  Venus, by the moon, by
                                                                                                          The UAPs may turn out to have prosaic
        “swamp gas.” Intensive investigation by
                                                         The republic of science has some cultural explanations. In fact the intelligence
        government experts and the Pentagon
                                                         norms and ground rules. One of them is report mentions many of them. Consider
        failed to find any evidence of alien
                                                         openness. That means you have to show the first two of the five explanatory
                                                         your data.  Also, scientists have to be categories:
                                                         honest.  They are allowed to be wrong,
        Then the mythology took an interesting
                                                         but they can’t be liars.  There’s a great “Airborne Clutter: These objects include
        turn: People started getting abducted by
                                                         deal of trust that’s built into the scientific birds, balloons, recreational unmanned
        aliens. It happened in their sleep. Science
                                                         enterprise.                                      aerial vehicles (UAV), or airborne debris
        fiction writer  Whitley Streiber wrote a
                                                                                                          like plastic bags that muddle a scene and
        book, “Communion,” that claimed that
                                                         And so, scientists (and science reporters) affect an operator’s ability to identify true
        such an abduction happened to him. Then
                                                         tend to be wary of conspiracy theories, targets, such as enemy aircraft.”
        a Harvard professor, John Mack, wrote a
                                                         which have secrecy as their essential,
        book saying that the reason people
                                                         defining feature. Most UFO narratives “Natural Atmospheric                       Phenomena:
        believed they were being abducted by
                                                         are conspiracy theories of sorts.  They Natural atmospheric phenomena includes
        aliens is that they were, in fact, being
                                                         posit not only the existence of ice crystals, moisture, and thermal
        abducted by aliens. They came from …
                                                         extraterrestrial visitors, but also a fluctuations that may register on some
        another dimension?
                                                         conspiracy of silence, obfuscation and infrared and radar systems.”
                                                         intimidation of witnesses by the
        That mythology ran its course, maybe
                                                         government, or maybe the news media,                                (Continued on Page 17)
        after being so thoroughly narrativized by
                                                         private corporations, the globalists, etc.
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