Page 17 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - February 2023 Edition
P. 17
UFO Mania Is Out Of Control 17
UFO Mania Is Out of no clear indications that there is any non- Others are more open-minded. Among
terrestrial explanation for them — but we them is Luis Elizondo, a former Pentagon
will go wherever the data takes us.” employee involved in UFO research.
Please Stop. Make of that what you will. Recently he gave a live-streamed
interview to The Washington Post: “This
Most amazing, stunning, mind- may not necessarily be something from
Sorry to disappoint you, this
boggling new concepts are outer space. In fact, this could be
science writer says, but there’s something as natural to our very own
wrong. The bolder the idea, the
zero evidence of aliens. planet as us. We’re just now at a point
more likely it will evaporate in
we’re beginning to technologically be
the harsh glare of scientific
Continued from Page 16 able to interact and collect data. This
sunshine. Like cold fusion. could be something from under the
oceans. This could be something from,
Let us all agree that plastic bags, birds, The presence of aliens in these stories is yes, from outer space. We really don’t
ice crystals, moisture and thermal understandable: It’s a possibility that is know.”
fluctuations are not exciting explanations far more interesting than the sightings
for mysterious observations. What’s being caused by, for example, classified He offered a brief tutorial on the history
exciting is alien spacecraft. Which is military aircraft. The headlines did not of physics: “[S]omeone once described it
why the Times, in covering the say “Pentagon Report Does Not Rule as you have this box sitting on the
intelligence report, wrote, “There was no Out Classified Military Aircraft,” ground, and in walks a dog, and all of a
affirmative evidence that the although that would have been more sudden two cats walk out. And as crazy as
unexplained phenomena are alien accurate since such things were actually that may seem, that’s precisely what
spacecraft in the report. But because the mentioned in the report. we’re seeing in these observations with
government has offered no explanation quantum physics, proverbially speaking
for so many of the episodes, the new The intelligence report notes that a small of course.”
report is sure to fuel the enthusiasm of subset of the UAPs “exhibit unusual
those who believe they could be.” flight characteristics,” and UFO (Continued on Page 18)
proponents say these vehicles move in
ways that defy the laws of physics. To
This is true, but it should be noted that
the intelligence report does not actually my eye this suggests a prosaic
mention “alien spacecraft” or anything of explanation, which is misperception,
the sort. Not only did it not produce instrument malfunction, etc. The
“affirmative evidence” of such contrary cannot be ruled out, however:
We cannot arrogate to ourselves the
extraterrestrial vehicles, it did not broach
the topic. assumption that the known laws of
physics are incontrovertible or
The allusions to space aliens in the news comprehensive. But I am reluctant to
reports were not entirely out of the blue. write about physics-defying objects
because I am busy enough covering
Officials gave background interviews to
journalists. Reuters quoted an unnamed stories involving things that obey the
“senior official” saying, “Of the 144 laws of physics. I do not think this makes
reports we are dealing with here, we have the scope of my journalism too narrow.