Page 15 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - February 2023 Edition
P. 15
UFO Mania Is Out Of Control 15
UFO Mania Is Out of
Please Stop.
Sorry to disappoint you, this
science writer says, but there’s
zero evidence of aliens.
Continued from Page 14
The lack of resolution to the UFO debate
appears to be built into the inquiry. The
subject is interesting only to the extent
that the phenomena under scrutiny
remain mysterious — and therefore
outside the normal boundaries of logic,
journalism and science.
Department official who had pushed for
Let’s review the UFO renaissance for The U.S. intelligence investigation the disclosure of UFO sightings. He
those of you who have been paying looked at 144 reports involving UAPs. It added, “But don’t just take my word for
attention to other, purely terrestrial stuff, solved only one of them: “With the it,” and linked to the U.S. government
like the pandemic. On June 25, the U.S. exception of the one instance where we report.
national intelligence community released determined with high confidence that the
a long-awaited report on UFOs. The reported UAP was airborne clutter, What UFO proponents have long wanted
report by the Unidentified Aerial specifically a deflating balloon, we is for the government, the media and the
Phenomena Task Force followed a series currently lack sufficient information in scientific establishment to take the
of prominent articles in recent years our dataset to attribute incidents to subject seriously. The intelligence report
about videos taken by Navy pilots specific explanations,” the report said. does that. It says that some of the reports
showing mysterious objects, some of appear to involve real objects, because
which appeared to be moving at Instead, it offered five distinct categories they were observed by multiple
astonishing speeds and with motion of explanations: “airborne clutter, natural instruments or witnesses. There’s
unlike any known terrestrial aircraft. atmospheric phenomena, [U.S. something there; it’s not imaginary. So,
government] or industry developmental yeah: Unidentified flying objects do
Interest in UFOs had been boosted programs, foreign adversary systems, exist!
further by the revelation that in 2007, at and a catchall ‘other’ bin.” But despite
the behest of several U.S. senators, the the inconclusive nature of the report, it (Continued on Page 16)
Pentagon created a secret office received robust news coverage and much
dedicated to studying such enigmatic attention on social media. From the New DEBUNKED: The Earth Is
reports. It was called the Advanced York Times: “U.S. Has No Explanation
Aerospace Threat Identification for Unidentified Objects and Stops Short Flat!
Program, and, after it was disbanded, its of Ruling Out Aliens.” From Reuters:
existence was disclosed by the New York “Watershed U.S. UFO report does not This myth is so popular that there is even a
Times in 2017. The fact that the rule out extraterrestrial origin.” group named after it: the Flat Earth Society.
Members of the organization argue that the
government was secretly studying
horizon is always at eye level, which they
something previously considered Make no mistake: I want to be the
say would not be possible if the Earth were
pseudoscience helped rehabilitate the reporter who goes out on a limb and round. They also say there is no full movie
image of UFOs. (The Pentagon had breaks the space aliens story. I want of the Earth rotating from space — which is
decided that unidentified flying objects my name on a front-page story with a not true, as NASA has published multiple
should be rebranded as UAPs: 72-point headline saying THEY’RE videos taken from satellites, including a
unidentified aerial phenomena.) HERE. But the aliens never deliver. live video of Earth (opens in new tab) from
the ISS, which orbits our planet 16 times
per day. One way of demonstrating to
Prominent figures in and out of The report was greeted as something of a
yourself that the Earth is round is to
government added further credibility. triumph by people who are active in UFO
consider how orbits of satellites work.
Former CIA director John Brennan, for research. “The UFO Report is out. The
Satellites constantly "fall" around the Earth
example, said last year that the sightings implications are profound. UFOs, as we as they are pulled around by our planet's
could be “some type of phenomenon that have known for a long time, are real, gravity; they just need to be traveling fast
is the result of something that we don’t defy conventional explanation, and until enough at a high enough altitude to not
yet understand and that could involve more is learned, pose a serious potential slam into the atmosphere. Or, you can look
some type of activity that some might threat to U.S. national security,” wrote at the amazing pictures taken by astronauts
at the ISS.
say constitutes a different form of life.” Christopher Mellon, a former Defense