Page 20 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - February 2023 Edition
P. 20
20 UFO Mania Is Out Of Control
UFO Mania Is Out of
Please Stop.
Sorry to disappoint you, this
science writer says, but there’s
zero evidence of aliens.
Continued from Page 19
The Drake Equation is the handy tool for
thinking through the probabilities.
Developed by astronomer Frank Drake in
the early years of radio astronomy, it
provides an estimate of the number of
extraterrestrial civilizations that are
communicative. That is, if we turn an
instrument, such as a radio receiver,
toward deep space, how likely is it that modesty. And I believe the future will
we will get a signal? The smart thing surprise us. There could come a day when IT PAYS TO
about the Drake Equation is that it we make contact with the Old Ones. ADVERTISE
doesn’t pretend to provide an answer, IN
because many of the factors aren’t But in the meantime, UFOs are a THE ‘X’ CHRONICLES
known. We don’t know the likelihood of distraction. We have pressing concerns NEWSPAPER
life appearing on a planet, or the that merit our full attention. Viruses. DIGITAL EDITIONS.
likelihood that it will evolve into Humans. The biosphere. Terrestrial life. FOR ADVERTISING RATES
intelligent, communicative life-forms And let’s never assume someone from SEND AN EMAIL TODAY TO
that manage to stick around a long time. space is going to save us. []
Back to Gould: When I asked him about
intelligent life beyond Earth, he IN LOVING MEMORY
answered, “No data.” This was true then, “MADDIE”
and remains true today, with the caveat
2005 - 2023
that astronomers have discovered that
planets are common, and many appear to
be small, rocky, Earthlike planets. The
abundance of plausible habitats for life
boosts the odds that life is common, and
therefore has plenty of opportunities to
achieve — through the trial-and-error of
natural selection — complexity and
perhaps intelligence.
My assumption is that intelligent life is
out there. What happened on Earth
probably has happened, or will happen,
on other worlds, perhaps frequently. But
this is just a hunch. It’s not a belief. And
it’s certainly no evidence that those UAPs
floating around are aliens.
I believe in a bunch of other stuff, though. There is no truer loyal companion than the love of a dog, for me she was my fur
I believe in the usefulness of science. I baby. We learned new things about life together, always by my side I was her
believe in footnotes. I believe in peer human and she was my fur baby. Maddie was so tiny when she came to me
review. I believe in the value of expertise. almost 18 years ago, and she never did get very big. She had a personality full of
playfulness, love and genuine gentleness. She was my shadow stopping only to
I also believe that holding views that are look up into my eyes for that sharing of unspoken love. Sharing Maddies’ life
provisional and potentially subject to was a gift I will always be so greatful for. I have so many wonderful memories I
change is not a sign of intellectual will try to remember but for now my heart is so broken.
weakness but rather one of intellectual Momma will always love you my little skinny bones.