Page 24 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - February 2023 Edition
P. 24

24           They’re Balloons Dammit Not Alien UFOs!

           Rob McConnell: “I Told

                         You So!

         They’re Balloons Dammit


                    Alien UFOs!”

               Continued from Page 23

        Of these, more than 300 came down
        prematurely over Soviet territory due to
        equipment malfunctions or were shot
        down by Soviet pilots, who quickly
        learned to intercept the balloons in the
        early morning when, due to lower night
        temperatures, they descended to lower

        altitudes. Many balloons successfully
        reached their recovery zones, but could
        not be retrieved due to bad weather and
        other factors. In the end, only 44               radiation-resistant film developed for the
        payloads were successfully recovered,            balloon cameras was ideal for use in              DEBUNKED: Alien
        their photos covering only around 8% of          outer space, and on October 7, 1959,              Research Is Happening At
        the Soviet and Chinese landmass.                 captured GENETRIX film aboard the                 Area 51.
        Furthermore, as the balloons could not be        Soviet Luna 3 probe was used to take the
        steered towards targets of interest, the         first-ever pictures of the far side of the
        vast majority of these photos were of            moon.
        limited strategic value.  Worse still,
        GENTRIX proved a public relations                In addition to GENETRIX, the Air Force

        disaster, with the Soviet Union and its          also ran Project ASHCAN, which used
        client states angrily protesting the             Skyhook balloons to sample the air
        flagrant violation of their airspace. The        above the Soviet Union for fallout from
        Air Force therefore swiftly cancelled            nuclear weapons tests and nuclear
        GENETRIX in favour of the CIA’s new,             reactors, the latter of which allowed U.S.
        more capable U-2 spy plane.                      Intelligence to estimate how much

                                                         plutonium the Soviets were producing.
        However, GENETRIX was not a                      The  Air Force even developed the

        complete failure. The cameras developed          balloon-based  WS-124A Flying Cloud
        for the project would form the basis for         platform as a means of delivering nuclear
        later,    more      sophisticated       photo    and biological weapons to targets within          The 1996 movie "Independence Day" is
        reconnaissance systems, while the midair         the Soviet Union. However, by the 1960s           one of the sources of the  Area 51 hoax,
                                                                                                           which claims that aliens and their
        recovery system would later be used to           all such projects had been cancelled as           technology — recovered from crashed
        great success to retrieve film capsules          manned aircraft, missiles, and satellites         flying saucers — are being studied secretly
        from CORONA spy satellites.  The                 proved far more effective than balloons           at a classified military base about 80 miles
        balloon flights also generated data on           in nearly every military role.                    (130 kilometers) northwest of Las Vegas in
        high-altitude winds that proved useful to                                                          the Nevada desert. Some people in the area
        the U-2 overflight program.  A more              The heyday of projects like MOGUL and             around the base claim that they have seen
        unexpected benefit of the program was            GENETRIX was a unique period in                   strange flights out of this area.
        that the steel bar that secured the gondola      military history, when surveillance

        ballasting system happened to measure            technology had not yet caught up to the           While Area 51's true focus is classified, the
                                                                                                           U.S. government has acknowledged its
        91 centimetres – exactly the wavelength          complex strategic realities of the Cold           existence (although the CIA officially calls
        of a Soviet radar system codenamed               War. It was also a time of extreme                it "Homey Airport" or "Groom Lake"). A
        TOKEN. This caused the bar to resonate           secrecy and paranoia, which furnished a           part of Edwards Air Force Base, the area
        when hit by  TOKEN radar pulses,                 fertile breeding ground for wild                  was a known location for high-technology
        allowing the CIA to locate previously            speculation and conspiracy theories that          airplane flights in the 1960s and 1970s. It
        unknown radar installations and divert           endure to this day. While the early UFO           first served as a proving ground for
        U2 flights around them. But perhaps the          sightings of the 1940s and 1950s were             Lockheed U-2 and  A-12 OXCART spy

        strangest      legacy     of    GENETRIX         almost certainly the product of top-secret        planes as early as 1955. UFO sightings
                                                                                                           reported in the area were indeed
        stemmed from the fact that so many of            Air Force spy balloons, the jury remains          unidentified objects, but only because the
        the balloons and their payloads were             out on whether we are, in fact, alone in          planes were top-secret — not because they
        captured by the Soviets. Soviet scientists       the Universe. But as a wise man once              were flown by aliens.
        quickly realized that the temperature and        said: the truth is out there. []
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