Page 28 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - February 2023 Edition
P. 28

28                 China Urges Calm In Spy Balloon Case


            China urges calm after
                 U.S. shoots down

             suspected spy balloon


        BEIJING — China’s Ministry of Foreign
        Affairs spokesperson Mao Ning urged
        both sides to remain calm after the U.S.
        said it shot down what it called a Chinese
        spy balloon.

        “What I want to emphasize regarding
        this unexpected accident is that both
        sides, especially the U.S., should remain
        calm,” Mao said in Mandarin, according
        to a CNBC translation.
                                                                                                           DEBUNKED: There Is A
        She was speaking at the first of the
        ministry’s daily press conferences after         She said again that the event was                 Face On Mars.
        U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken           accidental, but puts the U.S. to the test in
        indefinitely postponed his trip to Beijing       terms of how it can handle crises and
        following news that a suspected Chinese          stabilize U.S.-China relations. Mao
        surveillance balloon was flying over the         reiterated China’s calls for “mutual

        United States.                                   respect, peaceful coexistence and win-
                                                         win cooperation“ in the bilateral

        Blinken was originally expected to visit         relationship.
        Beijing Sunday and Monday, although
        the U.S. had offered few official details        lans for Blinken to visit Beijing were
        and the Chinese side never confirmed the         announced in November after Chinese
        trip.  The U.S. military shot down the           President Xi Jinping and U.S. President
        balloon over the weekend.                        Joe Biden had their first in-person
                                                         meeting during the Biden administration.

        China has called the balloon a “civilian
        unmanned airship” and said it was                News of the meeting and expectations
        primarily conducting weather research            that Blinken would visit Beijing had              (The original 'Face on Mars' image taken
        before it was blown off course.                  increased hopes for more stability in the         by NASA's Viking 1 orbiter, in grey scale, on
                                                         tense U.S.-China relationship.                    July, 25 1976. Image shows a remnant
                                                                                                           massif located in the Cydonia region.)
        Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao
        emphasized the accidental nature of the          Ahead of Blinken’s visit, U.S.
        balloon’s flight path, and said China has        Department of State spokesperson Ned              In 1976, NASA's Viking 1 spacecraft took a
        lost control of other such vehicles,             Price told reporters  Thursday that one           picture of what appeared to be a face on
        according to her question-and-answer             goal of high-level conversations with             Mars. Immediately, some people said there
        session Monday with reporters.                   Beijing was “responsible management”              must have been aliens on the Red Planet
                                                         of the world’s “most consequential”               that left that face behind as evidence of

        When asked who or what kind of                   bilateral relationship. Such talks, he            their existence. NASA (opens in new tab),
        company made the balloon, Mao                    added, are meant to ensure that                   however, pointed out that the suspected
        declined to share any details.                   “competition doesn’t veer into conflict.”         face is really just a pile of rocks casting
                                                                                                           shadows that resemble face-like features.
        Majority Leader Chuck Schumer                                                                      NASA followed up with better-resolution
        “revealed that we do know that once the                                                            pictures (opens in new tab) taken from the
        balloon was exposed to the public, China                                                           Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter and the Mars

        attempted to maneuver the balloon to                                                               Global Surveyor in 1998 and 2001,
        leave the U.S. as soon as they could,” a                                                           respectively.  These new images made it
                                                                                                           quite clear that the "face on Mars" is
        Senate Democrats press release said
                                                                                                           nothing more than a trick of light and
                                                                                                           shadows on a completely normal Martian
        When asked to confirm this detail, Mao
        said China’s communication with the
        U.S. “always works hard to handle things
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