Page 30 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - February 2023 Edition
P. 30

30                         A Word About Those UFO Videos

         A Word about Those UFO


           I’m an astrophysicist, but that

        doesn’t mean I have a motivation
                     to debunk them

                      By Katie Mack

        I’m not going to debunk the Pentagon’s
        recently declassified UFO videos.

        It’s not that I think they’re actually aliens.
        It’s not even that I think they’re
        unexplainable, or that they’re obviously

        some particular thing or other.  And
        although science communication experts
        frequently debate the effectiveness of
        debunking as a strategy, that’s not the
        source of my reluctance either. It’s
        because for an astrophysicist like me,
        there’s very little motivation to do it.         few of the more adventurous of us                moons of the gas giants, appear to have
                                                         astronomers. There are some very good            liquid water trapped underneath their icy
        You might be surprised at this. I’m a forum posts, videos and other places                        surfaces, heated by the tidal stretching
        scientist! I want to know how things where those who are interested are                           and squeezing induced by their close

        work! I am interested in mysteries, and breaking down the sightlines, speed                       orbits around the giant worlds. Enceladus
        this is a mystery about space, right?            vectors, and camera movements,                   famously has giant plumes of carbon
                                                         explaining how entirely human-made               compound–rich water escaping its
        Well, no. This is a set of videos recorded aircraft or balloons can look erratic and              surface through cracks.  There’s even
        by instruments in a military aircraft, spooky on video in exactly this way. You                   evidence that some of these moons hide
        showing indistinct objects within the can read those posts and get a feel for                     their own subsurface hydrothermal vents,
        Earth’s atmosphere. The real explanation what the analysis involves. Maybe you’ll                 providing all the ingredients we currently
        for them is almost certainly going to be be convinced, maybe not. But you’re                      think necessary for life as we know it.
        something well outside my main area of unlikely to see a large number of
        expertise, which includes cosmic astronomers jumping into the fray, for the                       And that’s just in our cosmic backyard.
        phenomena such as the behavior of dark very reasons above; this just isn’t our                    Thousands of other stars in our Milky

        matter in galaxies and the extreme bag.                                                           Way galaxy are known to have their own
        conditions of the early universe.  While                                                          planets, and estimates suggest that
        I’m interested in technology and physics It’s not that we don’t think aliens exist. To            something like one in 10 of those planets
        in general, I’m not a military tech the best of my knowledge, most of us do.                      might have the kinds of surfaces and
        aficionado, and while weird atmospheric Life appears to have arisen on our own                    temperatures that could potentially
        optical effects are interesting, that’s not planet as a result of the extreme                     sustain liquid water.  Which means that
        really what gets me out of bed in the conditions of the early Earth, possibly in                  they, too, could harbor life. And that’s not
        morning.                                         the vicinity of an undersea hydrothermal         even counting all the exomoons.
                                                         vent, where volatile chemicals and

        I don’t know for sure that the explanation plentiful energy likely helped stray amino             The idea that Earth is fully unique, the
        will be a straightforward one, but any acids come together to make the first                      one inhabited world in the universe, or
        attempt to figure it out will certainly simple lifeforms.                                         even the Milky Way, seems a bit absurd.
        involve a deep understanding of both
        those realms. Because what I’d be We have good reason to believe such                             But I digress.  We were talking about
        working with are videos taken by conditions can exist elsewhere in the                            grainy movies of unidentified objects in
        complicated, specialized instruments in universe—maybe even elsewhere in our                      the air, weren’t we?
        an extremely unusual reference frame own solar system. While Mars may be the
        (high-speed travel through the air), and poster child for the possibility of local                                   (Continued on Page 31)
        I’d have to tease out the geometry of all alien life, given the growing evidence
        that, not to mention the instrumental that it once had a thicker atmosphere and                             DARE TO BELIEVE

        effects that come along with whatever liquid water on its surface, Jupiter’s                               DARE TO BE HEARD
        tech these cameras are using.  That’s Europa and Saturn’s Titan and Enceladus                                          ON
        going to be a lot of work.                       might hold even more promise.                        THE ‘X’ ZONE RADIO SHOW
                                                                                                                WITH ROB McCONNELL
        People are doing it, of course, including a These, along with a handful of other                              WWW.XZBN.NET
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