Page 25 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - February 2023 Edition
P. 25

Canadian Weather Balloon or Spy Balloon? 25

          When a weather balloon
             went rogue almost 25

        years ago, fighter jets fired
             1,000 rounds at it and

            couldn't bring it down

        Almost 25 years ago, a large runaway
        weather balloon proved to be quite

        challenge a for a pair of fighter jets trying
        to shoot it down, staying in the air even
        after more than 1,000 rounds were fired
        at it.

        The research balloon was measuring
        ozone levels above Canada, the
        Associated Press reported at the time. It
        went rogue in  August 1998, passing

        across Canada, over the Atlantic Ocean,
        and through British airspace before
                                                         According to BBC reports from the time damage from a debris field. Experts have
        entering Iceland's airspace and then
                                                         of the incident, the 300-ft helium balloon also said that actually shooting it down
        drifting northward.
                                                         prompted air traffic controllers to divert may be more complicated than it seems.[]
                                                         and delay transatlantic flights. If deflated,
        Two Royal Canadian  Air Force CF-18
                                                         the balloon would cover an area of about
        fighter aircraft spotted the balloon over                                                          DEBUNKED: There Is A
                                                         five football fields,  The Irish  Times
        Newfoundland and fired more than 1,000                                                             Killer Planet Called
        rounds at it. The AP reported that the jets,                                                       “Nibiru”.
        Canadian variants of the American F/A-
                                                         The US currently has a Chinese balloon,
        18 Hornet, hit the balloon, but rather than
                                                         which Pentagon officials say is an
        popping or exploding and crashing to the
                                                         intelligence-gathering spy balloon but
        earth, it slowly began leaking helium.
                                                         China argues is a research asset, in its
        The big balloon was still in the air.
                                                         airspace, and there have been questions
                                                         about shooting it down.
        A Canadian military spokesperson, a
        lieutenant named Steve Wills, told BBC
                                                         Brigadier Gen. Pat Ryder, the Pentagon
        that it was difficult to target the balloon,
                                                         press secretary, said  Thursday that the
        even though it was about the size of a 25-
                                                         balloon is operating at a higher altitude
        story building, and that the failure to take
                                                         than commercial air traffic and "does not
        it out wasn't embarrassing.
                                                         present a military or physical threat to
                                                         people on the ground." Nonetheless, the
        "With something like this, which is
                                                         US scrambled F-22 Raptors and other
        stationary in the air when the CF-18s are
                                                         aircraft in response.
        flying very, very fast, it is difficult to
        shoot it," Wills said.                                                                             Conspiracy theorists say another dangerous
                                                         Ryder said there were no current plans to         planet is Nibiru, which was first mentioned
                                                         shoot down the balloon. Even with                 in the 1976 book "The  Twelfth Planet
        The CF-18s were reportedly equipped
                                                         protective measures, "it was the judgment         (opens in new tab)," by Zecharia Sitchin. In
        with air-to-air missiles, but Canadian
                                                         of our military commanders that we                the book, Sitchin translated ancient
        Major Roland Lavoie told AP the pilots                                                             Sumerian cuneiform and claimed that the
                                                         didn't drive the risk down low enough, so
        refrained from using them.                                                                         text is proof of a planet beyond Neptune
                                                         we didn't take the shot," he said.
                                                                                                           called Nibiru that orbits the sun every 3,600
        "Citizens would not have appreciated                                                               years.
                                                         Ryder also said there were multiple
        having a missile blowing over their
                                                         recommendations            from        senior     Years later, self-proclaimed psychic Nancy
        heads,″ he said. "Also, it might be
                                                         Department of Defense officials "not to           Lieder claimed to have communicated with
        overkill spending a couple of hundred
                                                         take kinetic action due to the risk to            extraterrestrials who said Nibiru would
        thousand dollars on a missile to shoot
                                                         safety and security of people on the              collide with Earth in 2003. When that didn't
        down a balloon that's drifting away."
                                                         ground from the possible debris field."           happen, the date was moved to 2012 (and
                                                                                                           linked, of course, with the 2012 doomsday
        The balloon, BBC reported, also survived                                                           predictions). Of course, the collision never
                                                         "We wanted to, you know, take care that
        encounters with British and  American                                                              occurred, the world didn't end in 2012 and
                                                         somebody didn't get hurt or property
        aircraft.                                                                                          no astronomer has ever found a planet on a
                                                         wasn't destroyed," he said, detailing that        collision course with Earth.
                                                         the balloon is large enough to cause
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