Page 21 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - February 2023 Edition
P. 21
They’re Balloons Dammit Not Alien UFOs! 21
Rob McConnell: “I Told
You So!
They’re Balloons Dammit
Alien UFOs!”
On July 6, 1947, foreman William Brazel
was patrolling the Foster cattle ranch, 50
kilometres outside the town of Roswell,
New Mexico, when he noticed some
strange debris strewn across the ground.
The debris was composed of a strange,
silvery metallic substance, parts of which
were covered in strings of mysterious
symbols resembling Egyptian
hieroglyphs. The following day, Brazel
contacted the nearby Roswell Army Air
Field, who immediately dispatched a
team to inspect and recover the debris.
On July 8, Walter Haut, the airfield’s weapons consisted of a 10-metre- governments took over Hungary and
public information officer, issued a press diameter mulberry paper envelope filled Poland, in 1948 the Soviet Union
release announcing that the Army Air with hydrogen, below which were blockaded Berlin, and in 1949 Mao
Force had recovered a “flying disc” from suspended various high-explosive and Zedong’s communists won the Chinese
a nearby ranch. This statement was incendiary bombs. Launched from Japan, Civil War and the Soviets tested their
quickly retracted and replaced with the Fu-Go rose to an altitude of 9,100 own atomic bomb years ahead of western
another explaining that the debris was metres and were carried 8,000 kilometres predictions. To counter this mounting
merely the remains of a weather balloon. across the Pacific Ocean by the high- communist threat, the U.S. Government
But it was too late. The first altitude Jet Stream. After three days, a needed reliable intelligence from behind
announcement was quickly picked up by timer ignited a flash bomb to destroy the the Iron Curtain. This was easier said
multiple news outlets and spread like envelope, dropping the payload onto the than done. The Soviet Union and the
wildfire around the country, touching off target. As the hydrogen in the envelope People’s Republic of China were closed
a cultural obsession with flying saucers, would expand during the day and societies, making the infiltration of
alien visitations, and government contract at night, causing the balloon’s human spies almost impossible. And
coverups that persists to this day. But altitude to fluctuate, the weapons carried while U.S. Air Force aircraft regularly
while UFO skeptics are quick to point out a simple but effective altitude control flew reconnaissance missions along the
that the Roswell “flying saucer” was system that automatically released ballast borders of the Soviet Union and its
merely a weather balloon, the truth of the if the balloon sank too low and vented satellite states, none dared cross into
matter is actually far more interesting. hydrogen from the envelope if it rose too Soviet territory for fear of being shot
For the debris that fell on Foster ranch high. Though aiming at specific targets down and setting off an international
that July day in 1947 was, in fact, part of was impossible, the balloons were crisis. Faced with a veritable black hole
a top-secret Air Force effort to spy on the intended to spread terror and ignite forest of information regarding Soviet military
Soviet Union using high-altitude fires in the Pacific Northwest, depleting and nuclear capabilities, the U.S. Army
balloons. strategically-vital stocks of timber. Over Air Force, like the Japanese before them,
9,000 Fu-Go were launched between turned to high-altitude balloons as a
Balloons have a long and illustrious November 1944 and April 1945, but due possible solution.
military history stretching back to the to unpredictable weather over the Pacific
wars of the French Revolution, when they only around 10% made it to North (Continued on Page 22)
were used to direct the movement of America, causing negligible damage and
soldiers and artillery on the battlefield. killing six picnickers near Bly, Oregon on
Balloons continued to be used for May 5, 1945. But while the Fu-Go
battlefield reconnaissance until the end of offensive was a dismal strategic failure,
the First World War, when this role was the balloons’ ability to maintain their
taken over by more capable aircraft. altitude over great distances was noted
However, balloons saw limited use with great interest by U.S. Intelligence,
during the Second World War as and would prove very useful in the
offensive weapons, particularly by immediate post-war years.
Imperial Japan. Lacking long-range
bomber aircraft with which to attack the In the late 1940s the United States and
mainland United States, the Japanese the western world faced an ever-
instead turned to unmanned high-altitude escalating series of international crises.
balloons. Known as Fu-Go, these In 1946 and 1947 communist